
Nah, glasses make anyone hotter, women especially.

"Une société distincte" or distinct society, is the term your looking for.
Yeah language policy in Québec is a whole thing, and can get really absurd, especially in our day in age where French in the province isn't going anywhere. The language is deeply entrenched in the culture, and while purists may bemoan it bending

It just has a more audible effect in Québec since it's a language question. But it is definitely one of those better in theory than in practice situations.

You're all good, haha

Gross. You're what's wrong with the world.

Fuck off troll.

No, you get stabilized and released, hence the home doctor. You sound like you don't know how this works.

I kinda like this rule, because it means our government funds a bunch of cool quebecois artists, but it also pushes a lot of crap. Also, there are a bunch of cool rappers who are super popular but din't get funding or whatever cuz the sing in "franglais".

So I can blame Alberta for this? I tend to do that anyway, so this works out well for me.

Was a sk8tr boi
Said see you later
But he,
Wasn't good enough for me.

Do they still have Dunkin's where you're at? Out in Montreal there's like one way down in Verdun, and that's it.

What province you from?

She really is. Idk how much the rest of Canada hears about this stuff, but she just did the nicest thing for Safia Nolin, a fellow muscian and huge fan, who was in the middle of this whole scandal thing because she decided to wear comfortable clothes to an awards show (Safia is a bigger woman, and there was some nasty

Severe mental illness? You should try it some time, it'll kick your ass.

Huh, I never knew "Nazi" started with an A

"Ye Old Gaoler's Brew"
Slap a label with some old-timey prison uniforms and a barred window and you got yourself liquid gold.

Yes, it really was. Also helped discover a new artist.

I think you're right, that it can be (and maybe mostly is) a way to rationalize the behavior, but I'm inclined to say it's probably two things.

Canada, to me, sometimes justs feels like America pretending it isn't America. I was surprised to here from my french (et je veux dire français français, pas québécois) friends how shitty canadien healthcare really is, because being someone who grew up and lives mostly in the american system, I thought it was pretty

As someone who's lived heroin addiction, you're spot on that it grasps you in a way that is difficult to understand if you haven't lived it. But the Archmage is right too, to some extent opiate addiction is a suicidal act. Everytime I put a needle in my arm I knew I could die, and I'm not entirely sure that wasn't the