
Pussy Whipped is my favorite punk album. By anyone. It's perfect.

& The Slits while you're at it

Those two are also easy favorites for me.

Also super stoked about this being covered. If we could also squeeze Bravest Warriors and Bee & Puppycat on here I'd feel super spoiled.

There certainly was.


Would it be safe to assume that W Kamau Bell might be interested?

Or thousands upon thousands of Gallagher stand-up specials

The comics & cartoons are pretty cool too.

I remember the live show mostly being them playing the first LP from front to end. It was a strange experience to go home & hear the same songs in the same order.

It has way more in common with something like TV on the Radio than Busdriver, but whatever. There are some really great songs/ideas on there & it's really not that different than most of his solo records (except Hemispheres obviously). It's true that the production is much more of the focus than the vocals. He already

It's one of those bands that I love but never make me think "How can you not like this?" I totally get why someone would not like it. Xiu Xiu & Death Grips are like that too. Delightfully embarrassing.

Have you listened to G is for Deep? It sounds like Dose is channeling an R&B station from the future

Golden Tickets is the only thing he's ever released that I can't dig. Everything else sounds embarrassing on the first listen & then it's the only thing I want to hear for weeks. Eskimo Snow & Mumps were both slow-growers but they're great records.

This poor dude really wants to stay home & record new music but he keeps having to tour to pay his bills because records are essentially free now. I'm glad to be able to see him so often but besides being spoiled it's kind of a bummer.

Would take out a loan to go to all 15 shows if she promises to play "Suspended in Gaffa" every night. Also, it'd be a lot easier to resent that poetry major zinger if it weren't true.

It's also very reminiscent of The Worst Witch, which I assumed at first I was reading too much into since it was a mostly forgotten, one-off, made-for-TV movie. Then I found out it was fairly popular in the UK and that the same book series that inspired it launched a British TV show shortly before the first HP book.

Very much surprised that this isn't on Tumblr. Also very much surprised that we can still reference Atom & His Package in 2014. It's liberating.

I do think this is supposed to lead to a new beginning. A lot of the negative criticism seems to be rooted in treating the movie like a single narrative, but I think a lot the loose ends (the sheriff's office, Weevil, Celeste, etc) are meant to be cleaned up in a serial format.