
Does she remind anyone else of the receptionist from Twin Peaks?

Man that Peggy Sue voice is still one of the most bizarre choices he's ever made.

No one's mentioned just how hilarious that final shot of the faux family unit in Burger Chef is. Particularly, Pete's role as the child in the scenario had me cracking up.
"Daddy, tell Mommy how we planned it."
"Listen to your mother, son."
By the time he had ketchup smeared all over his cheek I lost it.

Reminded me a lot more of a filthier Pete & Pete

And Michael DeForge!

The Adventure Time comics are dope. I mean, mathematical. They go off on tangents that serve as idea-testing for the show. Similarly, the Steven Universe comic was the best thing I picked up on Free Comic Book Day (if only because I couldn't find that Ed Piskor release anywwhere). I could see the Bob's Burgers comics

There's no review for "Rose's Room" coming? What a shame. It was instantly one of my favorites so far.

I love The Smiths & all, but PAWS is so much better than anything Moz has touched in decades.

Reminds me a lot of the receptionist from Twin Peaks

Seems like a waste to not include the beating heart scene . . .

"Guess who's on new meeeeeeeeds?"

Would it be too hopeful to expect Bravest Warriors and Bee & Puppycat to get coverage here too? Yes, I'm that greedy.

Don't forget Tiger Millionaire!

Tree Trunks was on the verge of asking for a divorce right? That giant talking baby changes everything.

I have some on my coffee table right now.

You could make a poster for this out of almost any Rex Reed review.

Judging by the general vibe of the crowd, my guess would be ecstasy.

The entirety of Pussy Whipped from front to end.

I briefly considered buying a second copy of this record just to hear the Twin Peaks track; might just wait for it to pop up online isntead . . .