
The episode where she shuns the girl that kissed Logan at the party is a little Mean Girls-ish, but at least she felt terrible about it.

I think Trailer Park Boys makes good use of its characters' relentless ruts. Being stuck in developmental "purgatory" fits very well with the show's main theme of repeat criminal offenders and alcoholics not being able to escape the only lives they know. I thought it worked rather well with Arrested Development too.

". . . featuring a reunited Bikini Kill playing 'Pussy Whipped' in its entirety"

The ending of Clone High haunts me forever. I'd pay money to erase that sour taste.

The third season isn't all that bad once they move past the embarrassing head-shaving mystery that eats up the first half. The Ed Begley Jr mystery can be really fun, with way less cartoonishly rabid feminists.

Or maybe they could get that guy from KMD

Tiger Millionaire is a perfect episode

Has there been a single DEVO song so far? I'm afraid the first one will be "Whip It" no matter how hard I protest.

Gojira is SICK. French face-melters, they are. So brutal.

DEVO- "Gates of Steel"

Still weird to see the Coathangers as a three-piece . . . does this mean no synths on the new record?

This idea would be instantly improved by merging it with the Space Jam sequel.

Obviously the loss of Bob Casale was super-sad, but losing Alan Myers last year cut me a lot deeper. Dude never got proper respect for being one of the all-time great drummers. Even DEVO didn't respect him enough: they replaced one of the world's most precise musicians with a drum machine, which was really the

DEVOtees, DeVoids, Spuds . . . it's all the same really. We're all one nation under the Church of the SubGenious.

Considering the loss of Alan Myers, this has been a very rough year for Devotees.

I think critcs can have a hard time with music that's both playful & sincere. If something isn't 100% silly or 100% serious it's easy to be brushed off for lack of context. To call the band out for "low-quality rapping" or lacking relevance is beside the point. They've always been more about having fun & being fun to

That Luscious Jackson comparison is completely off. Hotel Valentine is actually pretty good. If nothing else, MFN is an undeniably exciting track while every second of the Luscious Jackson reunion sounds like an aural nap. Go back & listen to the first two records and tell me this doesn't compare. The problem may just

Cities of the Red Night is a masterpiece.

Loopier works like Naked Lunch are much easier to digest as audio. His voice really lends a lot to the material and, thankfully, there's hundreds of hours of him reading on tape. Personally, I think Cities of the Red Night was his greatest achievement: it's his most concise and complete cut-ups work, marrying the

Only funny bit of the night. The rest of the episode deserves an F- for being so aggressively unfunny. Take that, Dog Lawyer.