

All movies are 'product'.

Perhaps you would like to see only 'art films' on the 'most anticipated pop culture list', however these are neither anticipated by the vast majority of moviegoers, nor are they pop culture.

Like the spirit of the West, the jackalope cannot be contained by only one commenter. The jackalope must run free. Man cannot tame it. Man can only stuff it and mount it above the Coors tap.

The jackalope. Not so crypto, though, since they can easily be found in their natural habitat— most bars west of Lincoln, NE.

It's an Amazon show set in an alternate universe where classical musicians and conductors are like rock stars, and the music they perform is of interest to people under the age of seventy-two.

And too much paperwork.

(Makes 'w' with hands)

Hey, no dissing Heathers. You want your Moby Dick underlined?

Your concept of the valuation and gradation of insult you've afforded to your readers is quite…unique.

The hope expressed in your first sentence was dashed in your last, unfortunately.

Personally, if in the unlikely event that Winter Sleep appears within my viewing range, I'll take it as a sign from the gods that it's time for a three hour nap.

Can't disagree with you the least little bit about how great Winter Soldier was.

This list is better than the actual 20 Best Movies list.

Disagree. But aside from that, perhaps those criteria for good movies are faulty.

Why would anyone consider backing away from the self-evident?

Somewhere oily and vertiginous.

I don't disagree with anything you've said, and you don't seem to actually disagree with anything I've said but are simply parsing the issue finer, so I think we're good.

Popular things are ipso facto interesting to people who study popular culture.

You could aspire to worse. In fact—
No! Not…saying…it…