
A meerkat from Life of Pi. Cute, friendly, intelligent, and edible in a pinch. Actually, the tiger would also be great—though I think Pi was the pet in that equation.

Thanks for the link. Couple of interesting points, though maybe a bit pearl-clutchy.

Since you mention the 'r' word—here's my Official Top Ten list (until I see Age of Ultron)
1. Cap 2
2. Guardians
3. Avengers
4. Batman Returns
5. Spidey 2
6. Dark Knight
7. Days of Future Past
8. Cap 1
9. Iron Man
10. Batman

Way I see it, the Brits owe us this one for taking on Sex Box.

My standards of judging visual quality diverge markedly from yours, I guess. I'm only speculating of course, but perhaps you focus more on the film aspect whereas I'm more interested in production design, makeup and costume, which are excellent in Guardians especially.

Here, let me be more serious. I've seen every superhero movie in existence multiple times. In my opinion, the three I mentioned are the most successful thematically, structurally, and visually. I like them best, and I'm just going to keep on liking them.

Woah, you blew my mind…

Sorry, likers gonna like.

Disagree down the line I'm afraid. The best three superhero films made so far are Cap 2, Guardians, and Avengers.

The internet is pain. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.

Well, I've heard from a reliable source that he has a pocket full of kryptonite.

Oddly, yes. You're not the author are you? Because I meant zzzzzzz in a totally positive way!

It's a vast range. Some read as if they were written by thirteen-year-olds doing fan-fic on the contents of their mom's nightstand, and some contain meticulous accounting of the exact amount of pressure applied by the highest end nipple clamps.

Also to be avoided—the word "kilt".

Thanks. Getting to write this was the best part of judging this contest.

I have had the honor of judging a romance novel contest these last weeks. I enjoy romances if they contain thriller or supernatural elements, but sadly, among the books I was given to judge there was nary a Navy SEAL or werewolf to be found. What I did find was this—
Book 1—
Summary—A nincompoop princess from the

Schrodinger's fuckrag simultaneously exists and does not exist until the moment you cut a hole in the sex box and peek.

Counterpoint—why would an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent deity allow such a thing to occur? This is what is known in theological circles as the Problem of Sex Box.

Oh, not trying to prove anything, really. The joke was just teed up so nicely, someone had to take a swing at it.

I guess I just credit them with more self-awareness than some.