
Put some skulls with flames shooting out of their eyes on the hilt and you've got a deal!

Also known as the MST3K rule.

Snakes on a Plane? …Ok, you're right.

Abrahams, Zucker and Zucker would like a word.

Man, it's too early for ontological questions. All I can tell you is that I actually do like Gotham a lot.

I feel like the Joker teases are building up a sense of tension and menace.

This show is great fun. The tone is perfectly consistent—operatic and crazy. Exploring Gotham the city adds a fascinating new chapter to the Batman mythos. I look forward to it every week. I enjoy the over-the-top characters, the references, and the lunatic action, and I got plenty of what I like in this episode. I

On #2— I wonder if any actor these days can make a movie a hit based on name brand alone, the way old-fashioned movie stars could. I suspect Cooper's name had little to do with Sniper's success.

Swapping out 'z' for 's'.

This is more serious than I thought. We'll have to call in Edward Norton and Brad Pitt.

We can all watch each other. It'll be a global Mexican standoff of watching.

True enough.

I wonder if it isn't the act of looking that's the problem, but rather the permanence of the recording. A recorded image, especially one taken out of context, can be used by the possessor to shape a narrative about the subject without that subject's knowledge or consent. It can materially effect the way other people

"This just in—People are irrational! Pictures at eleven!"

Hmm. I think Sharknado 9 will have to be divided up into at least thee parts.

Could be!

Very interesting. This shows why I respectfully disagree with Noel's premise "there are only so many times a source can be duped before the quality starts to degrade." Revisiting existing material can take it in strange and wonderful new directions. It's not always predestined to be lame. Whether this ultimately turns

Its a crying shame the vampires aren't sparkly, but this looks fun otherwise.

Any thoughts on the design awards? I'd pick Maleficent for costume, Grand Budapest for production, and Guardians for makeup.