
Flash Gordon, and other pulp sci-fi stories from the early-to-mid 20th century.

Agreed that it is not a competition of quality. They are both excellent movies in their own ways. However, my original assertion was that The Immigrant was not going to have the same cultural influence or be remembered by the general public in the same way or to the same degree as the Marvel movies. That is

Disagree on the interpretation of emotional weight you assign to both movies. TJ,L,YO,M.

Auteur people. Yep. Like I said, long forgotten.

Certainly, but it is unlikely that any of the 'thoughtful' movies listed above, with the possible exceptions of Boyhood and Interstellar, will influence American culture or linger in the American mind the way The Godfather or Apocalypse Now did, or the way Star Wars did, or the way Marvel movies do.

They both draw on the same genre tropes, but they use them in completely different ways.

Meet me here in 25 years and we'll see who's being ridiculous. :)

Agreed, no one can dictate opinions to another. I was simply pointing out that your criteria for a good film-stuck with you, made you think, talk, revisit, etc.—applies to GotG for most of the movie going public.

A.V. clubbers have exquisitely perfect taste in movies. That is all.

It works with the tropes and structure of its genre. That is not a fault. One might as well criticize a Shakespearean sonnet for rhyming too much.

Many, many more people have thought about, talked about, and revisited GotG than will ever do so with, say, Bird People. Whether it affected you or not, It has definitely had a significant impact on other people.

Marvel movies may not impact you, and that's fine. However I can guarantee that twenty-five, fifty years from now, people will still remember and view them fondly when movies like Winter Sleep and The Immigrant are long forgotten. That's the mark of the truly interesting.

Cross genre films like these are often fascinating because of the way the genres play off of and inform each other.

Every movie ever made adheres to some 'formula' or another, otherwise they wouldn't be coherent narratives we could understand. Some people simply prefer one formula over another. That's understandable, but no reason to automatically invest the less populist formula with cultural privilege.

No more invading Korea! You are sentenced to watch all eleven seasons of M.A.S.H. on a loop until you get your head on straight about this!

Lemme get this right—you want to start a land war in Asia? I heard somewhere that that was a bad idea. A classic blunder, if you will.


Don't watch the movie on that one. It's an excellent movie, but also a surefire way to plunge into an abyss of misanthropic despair for 2-8 weeks thereafter.

But they do such athletic things with those spinning chairs…

Going to bat for The Voice— For those interested in learning about singing as a musical discipline, the judges do have a lot of good advice to impart about taste, judgment, and performance, so the examples of the contestants work as a kind of home singing lesson.