
True. Not everything that works in comics necessarily translates well to live action.

Interesting. Not the interpretation one would expect from Frank n' Furter. Have to find this now.

Curry recorded four episodes before they decided to go with Hamill instead, IIRC. Does anyone know if those recordings are floating around out there somewhere?

If you want to ignore all the intermediary steps, then sure.

All technological advances are basically refinements on already existing technologies. Newton himself said as much.

As long as it comes with a rock to wind a string around.

Oh, I don't know. They've made tremendous progress in prosthetic forehead technology.

CW is half-owned by CBS, so…maybe crossovers?

Am sad. Need more Batman.

"What more do you want?"
In Lucy, more ass-kicking and less rhino sex.
But it was still fun.

How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man? Is it forty-two? Its forty-two, isn't it.

Gotham was not a disappointment to viewers who judged the show as it is rather than as the show that they themselves would have made. It doesn't conform to a certain set of Batman fan expectations, but that fact has no bearing on its quality.

Its an operatic-verging-on-surreal version of Batman's world, much like Tim Burton's films. The horrors in Batman have always been childhood horrors, and Gotham develops that psychological element with style.

People also want to explore the larger mythos surrounding the Batman character, which is what Gotham does.

Good catch. Back to Bat study class to get the Batechism drilled in better.

Of cock to you, my friend. Of cock.

Avatar's concept design took pains to develop a convincing ecosystem that looked like it followed a plausible evolutionary path—e.g. the six limbs on all the alien animals. Lucas never gave his alien environments quite as much depth. Cameron's interest in underwater ecosystems served him well in this regard. Whether

To carry the sleigh…

Develop narcolepsy.

*sniff* That was beautiful.