
Avatar portrayed the most complex and sophisticated alien environment on film since The Dark Crystal.

The Batman mythos is fascinating when the characters and settings are read as a Jungian horrorscape.

Thanks. Any veteran of the internets knows that the road to flamewar hell is paved with disagreements about Batman.

Respectfully disagree. Burton's films were packed full of grotesques (like the Penguin's groupies), and even Bob and Alfred were not played straight. Nor should they have been. the city of Gotham was a surreal nightmare landscape with all of the inhabitants trapped inside it, just like the current show. The heroes and

Gotham is not about delayed gratification. The mythic characters are fully realized, they are just slightly different versions of themselves. This happens in every new interpretation of the Batman material.

Fortunately the source material is deep enough to accommodate both Burton's surreal archetypes and Nolan's more grounded social focus and many, many, other ideas besides. People will naturally favor one approach above another according to taste. But each iteration needs to be judged by its own standards.

It isn't mediocre at all. It's an excellent show with a unique and consistent vision that it has maintained from the beginning. Because Batman is cultural touchstone, any new take on this material will clash with some viewers' own preferred interpretation. But taken on it's own terms, Gotham is very interesting and

He was distracting the assassin so that Selina could escape.

They're not playing for laughs. They're going for dark surrealism, much like Burton did. The Batman mythos is often at its best when its characters and settings function, at least on one level, as an exploration of a Jungian nightmare. The Arkham shot and score was striking at those notes.

alt: The operatic, over-the-top craziness makes Gotham fun to watch. It's a deliberate tonal choice, which makes all the difference in judging quality.

Between 6 and 7 million people watch this show every week. Because it's good.

Perhaps your lab methodology is faulty.

Like evolution, this theory will no doubt prove unfalsifiable.

Again, you're excusing bad behavior. There may be no overt physical threat, but it is still harassment and should not be dismissed as unimportant. To women who experience this on a daily basis, it is important.

When a strange man orders a woman to smile when she is on the train clearly minding her own business, that is not an act of altruism. It is an act of harassment. It is neither 'unreasonable' or due to 'other issues' if she dislikes being verbally accosted and patronized in this manner. Don't try to excuse such