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    Lion, but close enough I guess. The King mentions 'Sekhmet' in the movie, which is what threw me.

    I hope this movie explains why on earth Wakandans worship Egyptian goddesses.

    There are top universities that put a cap on how many Asian Americans will be accepted, much like what was historically done to Jews in America.

    Goddammit, now I want a Bangladeshi assassin movie SO MUCH.

    I think that makes it 30 Braque.

    Wasn't it suped up?

    Well, hand jobs are how the Colonel rose up in the ranks, so it's not that surprising.

    Because everyone already owns a normal C3P0, so one of the conditions must've been that he looks somehow markedly different. Can't look too different, though. So let's give him a red arm, so there are toys to buy but it's still the same character design otherwise.

    But there was so much gay whore subtext in the earlier films, it would've felt drawn-out.

    Ohh, ok, gotcha. Welp, it's on French netflix (which, come to think of it, has a kind of depressingly small selection of French stuff).

    I'm watching it on Netflix right now, so it out to be (S1 I mean).

    That was actually only the working title, TWMwI has been named 'Mad Men' for years.

    I think they can both be very hit-or-miss, and a lot if why people like them is because of nostalgia and the fanbase. Some of it is gold, and a lot of it is kind of crappy if you haven't already decided to like it.

    Can't believe you stooped so low, what a terrible pun.

    I'm so sorry about your friend. I don't see how people don't get that saying that kind of shit is as reductive as introducing someone as your "asian friend." (I mean, the inaccuracy was probably especially frustrating, but it's upsetting that she saw your friendship in terms of your sexuality, which ought to be

    Not sure if you're joking or just don't believe bi people exist?

    Fred and the amusement park owner, OTP

    I think the voice-overs for the rest of the team are more disturbing. It sounds kind of like one guy trying to fake four different voices.

    Why d'she gotta be loving though?
    Why does that dude keep saying shit like 'man's world' when he means human's world? Or is Wonder Woman gonna be the only female human in this movie?

    I have a professor from that county (iirc). Do you have (m)any mormons?