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    The ones to the left and right of you on the cookie sheet.

    Yeah, I encountered salmon and tuna as pizza toppings in France with some regularity. At least with toppings you know what you're getting into..

    I was able to find PB pretty easily in France, but in much smaller and pricier quantities than need be, and definitely not in all the various textures available in the US. Everyone seemed to miss it anyway. Made peanut butter cookies once and became the belle of a mostly-American potluck.

    What was the prize?

    Ok, my bad. Thanks for explaining.

    It's true, I can't remember seeing much merchandise outside of some beach-towels and stuffed Stitches, but I remember everyone my age loved this movie when it came out (I was 7). I enjoyed it at the time, but slightly resented how often my summer camp friends insisted we all pretend to hula. I dunno anyone my age

    A European liberal is conservative.

    Well he's going to be playing a Very Important White Guy in ancient China soon, if that…helps?

    I thought he was on board to do another initially, but didn't want to do the film without Greengrass? I can't remember where I read that, though.

    Don't knock it til you try it.

    Well, a Netflix original based off an older British show, which is why I'd assume that situation has come about, but that is unfortunate for Netflix.

    Very visible, distinct layers.

    I mean, he's only been to Slovenia once, and was really defensive about it when questioned, and his wife freaking grew up there and her parents still live there… He seems like the kind of father/husband who just can't be bothered, but who knows.

    Binders full of women

    Agreed, it's good stuff—and not particularly challenging to rhyme in imo.

    I don't find the Eminem support in the Northeast surprising at all.

    Had to move out of a major metropolitan area back to the boonies in time for this. Good job, Elx.

    So glad Jubilee's design (1:58) seems mostly intact :'D

    Sharon actually then married Peggy's brother and took his name, but he died tragically in Sokovia.

    I've been told to spread butter thinly over the toast first, as well. Personally I didn't love it, but it wasn't disgusting either.