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    Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Plus, Harry has his mother's eyes, Snape has eyes for Harry's mother, everyone knows Snape/Harry was basically canon.

    I'm sure the actor is a lovely person, but goddamn does the guy on the top left have a punchable face. That or I knew and hated and forgot someone who looked just like him. Huh.

    Yeah. I sometimes grab some fries at McDonald's to use the wifi there, but I'd rather spend the same or less for a kebab or falafel or something. Most small stores have cheap-enough pre-made sandwiches as well.

    I guess. I didn't get the sense she's supposed to be an unsympathetic protagonist, stuff like the Star Wars reference (iirc) seemed to be thrown in to make her likeable. But I could be wrong.

    I'd say this used to be true, but in the past few years, Domino's has come significantly closer to being edible.

    There's better/cheaper pizza in France, though.

    I used to have to go to math tutoring called 'Math Lab' every other day in high school. I would always ask, really nonchalantly, "Ms., can I leave? I have Meth Lab."

    Why's the only brown person have to be doing yoga?

    Fair enough, but I dunno, I know she's supposed to be hesitant—especially when he showed up to her office/apartment—but I feel like beyond the initial hookup it's a bit murky. She had time to think about whether it was okay to give in to temptation, imo. But fair points.

    Yesss. This article is 100% what's kind of driven me crazy. I'm not done with the season quite yet, but this whole time I've been struggling to reconcile what she did with how the show expects me to feel about the character.

    Yeah, taxis seemed to be doing it as well. I don't know that I saw it mentioned in the press at all since, come to think of it, but it was much appreciated.

    Yes. This.

    They also didn't charge to get people home safely in the early morning Saturday, so I'm giving them a pass.

    I mean, I'm all for donating to the Red Cross and other organizations… But aside from that, I wouldn't beat yourself over not helping.

    Fortunately, no one I know has passed away. Thanks :)

    I guess some people can only read a moment of silence as a moment of suspense.

    The weird contrast on my Facebook feed between French people posting pictures of loved ones trying to determine if they died at Bataclan or are elsewhere alongside the various political rants coming from all the Americans was a bit dizzying. As much anger I felt against the attackers and grief I felt for my friends

    Yeah, that too.

    It's based off a French graphic novel, iirc? (Not that the directing couldn't've been informed by SK history, of course)

    Back to December, maybe?