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    Haha, I don't always, but when I hear it like 3 times a day it's hard not to.

    I've always hated the underlying entitlement in this song.

    This should be the American terms for squibs.

    I like it. It feels like something someone would actually say, assuming you'd pronounce it like 'nomad.' I hope there's a similar slur one day for non 'cis females.'

    Jabba was a creep, but like, why did he have to be a heterosexual creep?

    Not sure if this is serious, but I find myself agreeing

    What the hell is she holding? I didn't realize pacific islands were known for artisan pizzerias. Ugh, I hope this isn't just a humanized rehashing of Ratatouille.

    My issue was with her comment: " “I submit to you that men and women are not the same, they like different things. Sometimes they like the same thing but sometimes their tastes diverge."

    Probably also because action vs. emotion is a false dichotomy.

    I feel like Meryl Streep's concept of gender is kind of dated.

    The way the camera or editing on this show is done kind of jars me, I can't put my finger on it. But I feel like if I could get passed that, I'd really like it.

    He said he was sorry -for- them, but has he said he's sorry -to- them? Much less covering medical bills and whatever lasting damages his acts called… Last I heard, he hasn't even apologized to his victims.

    Seriously, though, as much as I hated the movie Ted, apologize for the assaults you dickwad. Not that he's apologized to the victims, but I mean, God is a good first step.

    That's unfortunate (for you lot to put up with). And also very silly.

    Chaste? Do you know how many animals were injured in the making?

    Same. Though, my mum went to Harvard, so a lot of family friends from her college years are the people I know who went to Harvard.

    While they lost much of their native habitat in North America, the species continues to thrive in countries such as the UK and South Korea.

    The father of an Italian friend of mine's first name is "Alfredo." Mmm.

    I'm sure after the hack, they'll put their FB page back together more beautifully than ever before. It will be just like whats-it-called, that Japanese pottery thing…

    A pretty great one, actually. Lovely fellow, took us through markets where you could get different phone parts and whatnot for very cheap.