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    I remember visiting Shenzhen, where a lot of that stuff is made. One of our guides was like, "You know, Apple gets a bad rap for how many suicides happen at Foxconn. There are loads of factory related suicides at all of these tech companies! It's pretty normal."

    There was a hike in our tuition recently to build a multi-million dollar sports complex for the athletes, so they don't have to see normal people at the gym. This from a not-even-particularly-athletic state school.

    I've never gone to a proper job interview before, just unpaid stuff, so I dressed nicely but wasn't expecting to be interviewed directly after the 'information session.' What seemed like it would be an administrative job at a nonprofit ended up being door-to-door begging people for donations.

    Why is Miley Cyrus pictured twice in the bandana photo? Was she one of the interns?

    At my prom, a good 20-30 people were trying to get everyone else to vote for the mentally handicapped girl at our prom. Not in a nice way.

    I remember hearing about this a few times.

    What? But 'Bossy Pants' was so gritty! Tina Fey has a huge scar on her face from being jumped by a knife-wielding predator as a child! I bet Felicia Day didn't even mention knife-wielding predators until like the last chapter.

    I've found this applies to guys as well. They call themselves a "geek" as if it's a challenge—like, hey girl, I'm a geek, just -see- if you can handle this. Then you turn into just another crazy bitch who was too stupid to relate to them…

    The chartreuse thing I've noticed—I used to think it was purple, as did a lot of people I knew. Also, puce sounds like it should be like olive green, but it's actually purple.

    In their defense, they're probably used to going up against the same single police officer again and again.

    Jigglypuff blood soup would probably taste like warm maple syrup. Mmm

    I dunno, organized crime there seems to really flourish.

    Personally I much prefer white girls with East Asian accents, but to each their own I guess.

    Honestly I think it's just sexism playing out.

    For a while in high school, my dad's girlfriend was the only black kid in town. Some asshole requested the band play this "in his honour" at the prom. Never heard this song without an accompanying lecture on beating people up who make obnoxious song requests.

    No great ability as a doctor? He got 5s on his exams, sir.

    "Eventually Fear The Walking Dead"

    Oh my god. And it's not even my birthday yet.

    I think part of why I was so disappointed was because as soon as I heard Whedon was attached, I had high hopes. Buffy's kind of before my time, but I loved Firefly, Dollhouse, ad Dr Horrible.

    Yeah, the end was a bit much for me as well. I thought the dialogue seemed kind of contrived the whole time, but not in a cute stylized way. Nick Fury's anger at the start of the film (iirc) seemed kind of out of left field, and it felt like he and the actors on the screens weren't reading from the same script.