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    Yeah, gotta say I agree 100%

    Shame, I liked Ant-Man so much better than just about any of the Avengers' Movies. It was leagues above Thor in just about every respect.

    This was more fun than watching the movie. Well done

    Yeah, it's not like the UK is Sweden or something, amiright?

    Haha, yeah, I don't know that everyone who reads books is gay… But he definitely does/did have a significant gay following, so it wasn't a great marketing move on his part. You gotta figure that someone who is that hateful doesn't want gay people enjoying their work anyway though, eh?

    I thought Ender's Shadow is Bean's story? I might be remembering wrong.

    I don't remember which one was Jewish, but it's been a while. … But probably.

    I hope one day Orson Scott Card comes to terms with his own homosexuality and the homosexual agenda he unknowingly promotes with his books.

    Fig's senator husband could feature in House of Cards

    Does no one respect vigilantes these days?

    Yeah, he screwed Putin like Russia was Julie Gayet, amiright?

    People unfamiliar with me… So, most of the population aside from the mothering sort?

    'The intersectionality of identity and privilege' or sommit.

    I'm not sure if this was supposed to rhyme but I love that it did.

    No one truly good can produce movies so bad.

    What I'm hearing is that Ke$ha:Flo Rida as ThisGuy:Taylor Swift

    I know this isn't my fault for never making the time to watch it… but it -feels- like it is.

    I was watching some sort of reality show about couples working out their marital issues in one huge house. It was all very dramatic and silly. I found myself relating a lot to 'The Situation,' and have since decided that should I ever need a reality TV star to work through my marriage with me, he's the one.

    When the ad for this came on the other day while I was (admittedly) watching Lifetime, I was filled with so much joy. There's no way they'd make one of those little logo-popups if it weren't gonna be a real thing.

    Insane? That's a pretty negative feeling you seem to be having. Allow me to audit you…