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    I'm only a few episodes in but I've already started skipping any scene that consists of just the two of them. I always found Piper grating and unpalatable, and now I'm growing tired of Alex, too, and anything redeeming about their relationship is gone. I don't find their like, addiction to each others' love or

    "I know you think you're clever for spotting that she was in Shaolin Soccer, but I'd like to emphasize that appreciating popular slapstick comedies directed in HK does not make you as cultured as having tuned in to the recent finale of Cat Dad would have. You filthy euro-centric swine."

    Oh, sure, they can -look- pleasant… But the strumming will get to you, Texass. It will.

    I have a cousin who's 1/4 Native Hawaiian and has blond hair and blue eyes aaand I still think the casting choice was clearly a very, very poor one.

    Don't trap me in a cup and put me outsiiide

    Such a good life choice.

    I was kind of neutral towards her up until discovering this.

    So it's like Scream + House Bunny except in addition to not being scary it's not funny either. Cool.

    Surprised he didn't whip out what is most certainly his next best defense:

    Maybe in terms of human faces looking unhappy, but is it really that much harder to pity sex slaves that aren't humanoid victoria's secret commercials? And if it's so difficult to sympathize with non-humans, why are plenty of the other characters non-human? I guess I somewhat get what you're trying to say, and I

    How about zero creepy alien sex slave fantasies. Slave Leia is already fucked up enough, and the prequels basically shoved an entirely blue-and-green alien race in our faces just for that purpose.

    Jamie Lee Curtis isn't an interracial group of friends…?

    See, I do agree that, for whatever reason, part of the squickiness comes from the age difference. But I think the major issue with it is definitely circumstantial—it's just such an imbalance of power between a student and a professor, and such a disparity in what stage of their lives they're in.

    Blech. The notion of troubled middle-aged men being super alluring to young college-aged women is so deeply repulsive to me.

    Homestuck. Because of everyone I've ever met who liked it.

    SAO was tolerable enough for the first season, but S2 was god-awful. Like unwatchable. Suddenly it loses anything good about it and just dissolves into a fanserivcey harem anime.

    Grave of The Fireflies and then Whispers of the Heart so you regain faith in humanity at least a wee bit.

    5:46 - 5:51

    To be fair, that scene was pretty cringe-y.

    Yeah, I mostly recall knowing it because as kids we'd all whine to the teachers that we didn't get Patriot's day off.