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    It's known in CT and other New England states. But that really proves your point, if anything.

    Lol. I know my parents. I would've been able to choose like 5 things to keep, 5 things for my sibling, and the rest to charity.

    Don't pupils dilate out of attraction sometimes, or something? I feel like that's not thaaat odd. Bigger pupils means bigger eyes in a way, to me. That's why I think dark brown eyes are so fetching, they sort of blend with the pupil more for a bigger-eye look.

    Wasn't this book series based off of a largely-plagiarized Harry Potter fanfiction?

    I love when it's referred to later as well in (spoiler?) Kimmy's conversation with Dong.

    If she really wanted to hurt him in that paint-whip scene, she'd rip out his nipple piercings. Amateur.

    What's new, pussycat?

    My mistake. All the more reason for people identify as Italian with pride, then.

    Honestly, I think it's that when the Irish got to the US, they was some racism against them, and even though that's pretty much entirely dissipated, the pride that came up as a response is still present.

    Lol. I have a grandfather who worked in a POW camp full of Nazis for a few months. Said some of them seemed like nice guys and that the Allied soldiers would play soccer with them a lot.

    No, no, I'm just, uh, rehearsing for a play.

    Nah, just 4-6 days, usually.

    One fry at a time.

    Yeah, HK McDonald's was great. I'm pretty sure that's where they launched the McCafé thing originally.

    With the angelic background singers, the mentions of praying and God, the appeals to America and sneaky reference to the fourth of July, I would NEVER have guessed this was meant to target Millennials.

    What a roundabout way of admitting that you penned a fanfiction where Francis is Dewey's brother in an alternate universe.

    I am shocked, simply SHOCKED, absolutely beside myself and astonished that any human being who thought this was acceptable isn't currently employed by Urban Outfitters.

    Watched the original House of Cards on netflix a while back.

    Gigi reference = you're my hero.

    I found something about the lighting and camera movements… I guess the aesthetics of the show?… peculiarly jarring, personally.