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    There aren't any yanks in the South… I mean unless we're counting those debters in Georgia.

    I dunno if I mind them cutting out the God-finding part of the book, as it was, if I recall, pretty brief and bland. If they also cut out the part where Louis is a crazed alcoholic who hates East Asian people, then I don't think it will even be very necessary.

    Yeah. I always thought that Hufflepuff, Ernie MacMillan, was Jewish.

    The ONLY allusion to sex in all seven books?
    Are you telling me I read too much into literally every scene Hagrid is in? I won't believe it.

    Then Paul should open a restaurant without them and decline the next time he is offered a tv show. As sorry as I could feel for Paul, I have a hell of a lot more sympathy for the old men Mark attacked and the kids he pelted with rocks.

    Strangely, I don't remember reading Mark's history of hate crimes on the family story written on that wall of his family's burger place south of Boston. Somehow I don't think I'll be back to check if they've added it.

    ** Toy Story 5: Woody's Mourning Wood

    I think what your view of Islam as not progressive hinges on both viewing it only in countries where it has a majority as well as seeing it "at the moment." Surely it's possible that the strict enforcement of limiting and unequal genders isn't caused entirely by Islam.

    I think that "anything within reason" is kind of implied, though. There's an expectation that no one will enter the room and try to cut one of his limbs off—but the "anything" defense works there, as well.

    That, too.
    It's also hard to know how 'willing' someone truly is, when it's common for people to be coerced by others who will collect the money that they receive for their services.

    No, there's no need for anyone to rape since they can just masturbate instead, find a willing partner, or simulate sex with a doll.

    The Edge has been suffering silently beside him from a fatally receding hairline. Where's the sympathy for him?

    I go to a large state school, haven't see one chalkboard, all white boards. I don't go in the older buildings as much, but even there I've only seen white boards. Varies, I guess.

    I know of a kid named Anakin with a sister named Leia.

    Yeah, fair enough. - insert 'just because everyone is doing it' defense -

    My issue with Laurel is that I felt like the way she was written and the way the other interact with her, she's supposed to be 'potentially pretty' but actively unattractive or forgettable. She looks like Anne Hathaway pre-makeover in the Princess Diaries.

    Overall, I agree with the review. Lots of plot, couldn't quite keep it smooth, but lots of fun and displays a clear understanding of how to write casually diverse characters.

    Because they're not talking slowly, the talking is symbolic for their cautious lovemaking. Obviously.

    The one Kanye verse in Kid Cudi's Erase Me kills me every time. He evokes the name of dead singer Aaliyah just so he can use his whole verse as the set-up to a poop joke. Not funny, just stupid, doesn't fit with the rest of the song.

    You are to Katie Rife what Katie Rife is to Eli Roth.