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    I don't understand how a company that rich can't manage to find even one good child actor these days. Do they just try to find skinny kids around the same height, or what?

    Well, I guess she was better than the weird self-help-cult ladies, for sure.

    I wanted to like her in Top of the Lake, but… eh. Lukewarm.

    "Well, I've had a Lot of experience."

    I hope the next article explains to me what an "echo" is.

    Who needs a job? They get smoothies for free.

    Eh, ok, I'll take your word for it.

    You make a good point.

    The thing is, the ickiness doesn't come from the 25 year old liking the 53 year old, it's the other way around. I know plenty of women in their late teens and early twenties who crush hard on professors—but if the crush were ever returned, shit would get creepy fast.

    I think you're right, it might be a bit of a stretch.

    Ohhh. See, my state is too small for that. We don't have county governments, so, no county jails.

    Blue, too? I wonder if a set of scrubs was their second choice at the costume shop.

    If this man had any concept of what's popular in fashion, he'd know that black and white stripes are WAY more "in" than bright orange.

    Notice that popping up in manga and anime quite a bit. I guess it's kind of more scientific than horoscopes?

    I mostly just noticed how his chin goes from mostly round at the beginning to mostly pointy at the end.

    I think you're sort of right to a degree. At the same time, though, the assumption is always that someone is straight until proven otherwise, so the decision to simply never mention that he's bisexual basically erases it, which is a bit insensitive.

    I'm pretty sure that's Dakota Fanning's entire appeal.

    Kind of a shame.

    I really feel for that artist. This video really strained my wrist, too.

    And then all of the female plainswalkers were demoted to prostitutes…