
Some humans are awful.

Untreated mental illness is a recurring theme. It's not going to be "tackled" in the fake prison any more than it is in real ones.

Even aside from that, gratuitous strip searches are part of their lives. Them gratuitously strip searching the guards makes it plain that this is sexual assault.

All her boyfriends have raped her.

The real Piper has a tattoo on the back of her neck - though I think it's a dolphin and not a fish.

It's hard for me to upvote that. My best wished to your foster daughter.

The ten inmates thing doesn't bother me at all. They're ALSO undertrained fuck-ups and they've calculated incorrectly - probably because Judy had just been sprung.

Thank you for your be all and end all objective opinion, Sir.

Jews have been white people for a while now along with the Irish and Eye-talians, Archie.

They screwed up "the count" by calculating the needed total incorrectly.


Not only can't you can't yourself from watching it, you spend time joining conversations to gripe about it.

Presumably the same way everyone else who's SUPPOSED to be trained isn't trained.

The knucklehead has been revealed as a horrible human being. They've done that a couple of times in the course of the series.

There was never going to be any deal. Once they got everyone out with as few dead as possible everyone was going to be shuffled off elsewhere. Most would have some time added. A few actual investigations would have happened. Just like it is now.

There was never going to be any deal. Once it ended with minimal dead they'd always have all been sent to other institutions and most of them would have added time.

The undertrained incompetents screwed up the count.

Dude. Let it go. Piscatella's three dimensions are Power-hungry. Sadistic. Fuk.

Man I'm tired of Piper's feels. You could edit out entirely and Id never miss her at all.

The torture part is that he can kill her any time he wants. Trying to humiliate her is just for fun.