
Google "Broadway summer slump." You'll see it mentioned year after year. Ticket sales drop. Shows worry about it. For realsies.

He thought the other guy's limited run was ending as planned when he took the job. That's a thing that happens pretty regularly.

Issues much?

Then pay no mind to "the whole PC weight of things." It's generally nonsense.

The summer slump is a known phenomenon - August is very hot in the city.

They're three particularly difficult weeks to sell - ticket sales drop in the summer and pick up again in the fall.

And treated both actors poorly.

The show is phenomenal.

The show is fantastic.

For a second I felt bad that the actress playing Helena was getting screwed on screen-time. Then for a second I thought maybe her pregnancy was making her tired and that was a good thing…

Luksusowa vodka comes in bottles like that so my head was just assuming vodka. It's likely fictional booze - but they really should tell us if it's vodka or gin!


Nope, not a "party foul." Totally uncool.

He was always a pure sadistic psychopath. Once he was "crossed" he showed it.

I think knowing he'd literally tortured a person to death made subsequent events more alarming - he wasn't JUST messing with their heads.

Pretty sure the husband didn't ask ahead of time - the letter would have been more along the lines of "I agreed to this but now I find I don't like it," rather than "I don't like this, what should I do?"

Your husband is being a creep too. He already owes you big.

The guy who gets off degrading you can fuck the hell off.

Gaiman is working on the series.

Yes! Forgot him!