
Not sure what all the reviewer wants from Piscatella. Sometimes a sick fck with unchecked power is just a sick fck with unchecked power.

I've never had any trouble believing Piscatella is a power-hungry sadist. It's as simple as that. I'm confident such guys are drawn to that particular field and turn up more than occasionally.

Yes, the rigged system had nothing to do with her being around gangs in the first place. The little blonde prep school girl faced that same choice and would have suffered every bit as much for making it poorly.

They de-Jewed it. That's just so weird.

I'll have to re-watch to be sure, but I think the only actual erections we saw were the dude floating around in space (so he was a static image) and the cartoonified lovemaking in the desert. I think they're walking a fine-boner-line.

Dude, part of "self identifying as monogamous" is wanting to be in a monogamous relationship. If his wife hooks up with her friend, he's not in one.

Why? He didn't suggest YOU take a bullet for them.

I think Pensatucky's victory (if you will) came in her FINALLY saying "it's not ok. you raped me" to someone. She spent her whole adult believing that was just something she had to tolerate and that her feelings didn't matter.

No it isn't - he definitely killed her.

You missed tresspassing with weed - which is noteworthy because that's what Poussey is doing time for.

Maria only started the rival business after Piper wouldn't let her in to her's, didn't she?

She's not particularly loud or stereotypical.

All the sexual harassment of Chris Hemsworth? You live a sweet blessed life if "sexual harassment" amounts to jokes about incompetence being told out of your hearing and someone almost touching your butt for half a second and blushing instead when you start dancing with them.

My only objection is that they were eating Papa John's "pizza."

Or… the corruption of the system makes tragedy inevitable. Even the nicest guard can kill the least dangerous prisoner possible when the environment is overcrowded, the staff is undertrained, and psychotic nut jobs can work themselves into positions of power.

The author wants a different story and since this isn't it, it's wrong. Just as an example - the rioting prisoners aren't universally demanding the officer's death, they aren't en masse cheering for her to shoot. S/he's writing another story entirely. It sounds like a hell of a story and its a story that could

I think she just picked up the gun reflexively - one of them has to do it and she was closest.

I know trans people who consistently describe themselves as trans and trans people who consistently do not. It stands to reason there will be cis people of both sorts as well.

There were women all but seig heiling in the rec room at the top of their lungs. He's been a cheerfully "oblivious" bastard for much longer than two episodes. The last two episodes just gave him the opportunity to go as far as he wanted to.

Um… No… I'm referring to the psych ward on the show we're discussing.