
I see you're unfamiliar with psyche.

In my heart he's been having delicious non-pity-sex with one or more delightful partners for months now.

I have to disagree. Piscatella is not merely "responsible for some racist issues" and "trying to keep control" he is encouraging guards to abuse inmates in the name of "order" and is more than fine with them doing it for kicks.

I also think it is interesting that, yet again, it's a guard committing a crime that puts the inmates in an intractable position. You can't let that man pick up his gun any more than you can let the hit man kill Alex - but it's your fault and not theirs because they're guards and you're cons.

My thoughts:

Piscatella's proved himself garbage when, in the name of "preventing gangs" he ignored a white power movement and encouraged abuse of the Latinas.

I'm a little annoyed by "Wah Wah society" when what she actually wants is to go back on her agreement with her husband. She seems super entitled and I don't think she "gets" the poly thing.

Did it drive anyone else bonks that Evie opted for a side part that threw her bangs over the side of her face WITHOUT the scar?

I think people are being too literal in their referencing Eric Garner here.

I think it's valuable to note that the Oscars are indeed so white but television and theatre are not. The culture IS progressing thanks to the hard work of a wide spectrum of people.

None of the writers are black, but neither are they all white.

It had to be a "perfect" victim (and a "harmless" guard) so MCC couldn't divert blame. There is no way to spin this.

They're not all evil - a few of them are evil and most of the rest are cowards.

I don't think it worked for anyone - that was the point.

If the boy was alive to tell the story we saw - hanging out playing video games and eating too much junk food - he'd have gone home with a tummy ache and a blanket around his shoulders. His relieved parents likely would have been happy to see her end up in a psych hospital.

If she'd seen women running out of maxi pads maybe she'd have noticed the menstrual cups at prisoncon.

For "just" a kidnapping (that left no one harmed and was… accidental) would a person with well-off parents have ended up in jail?

It was shot right around when Uzo's casting was announced.

Alex thinking their old boss had a hit out on her should not have sounded crazy to Piper. At all