
Ruiz thought the actions took would make her some money, didn't involve anything illegal, and would (at worst) get her some time in the SHU if she got caught.

AV Club has an article about the entire season.

Was she there? Actors often just read over the episodes but only really study their own scenes.

I'd also argue that Piscatella's fear of gangs is NOT sincere - it's just a fun way to be racist. A white power movement is forming before their eyes and they can't be bothered to stop feeling up the Spanish girls long enough to take note of it.

I'd argue that relying on bargain basement untrained guards is just BEGGING for harassment.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that point.

Peter - they messed with the wrong group of people when they tried to brush-off the carnage in that nightclub.

Spike is a perfectly cromulent human nickname. If you want me to call you Spot, however…

The musical Hamilton is based on the Ron Chernow biography which argues that the image of Hamilton as an elitist is based on the slurs of his enemies who outlived him.

The Encore series did a limited run revival at City Center this spring. It was incredibly relevant.

Or possibly nephew, jury is still out.

Sure, tell it to the families of the however many men who lost their lives. "Hey, it was a blaze of glory and the little brother he knew was doomed had just met his doom." "Awww, we forgive him."

Doesn't mean he didn't do a paper on Hamilton in school. Heck, he might have done one on Truman as well.

It's quite possibly SOP to starve the dogs for seven days before siccing them on people. I'm sure she heard about this crap all. the. time. from her psycho rapist husband.

Again? I grasp what you were saying, I think it was in.cor.rect.


DOES Sansa know they're coming? I think all she knows is that she asked.

Except that he then dove head first into the trap instead of continuing his strategy of holding off and letting Ramsay charge.

I think Healy actually cares about his charges (or at least some of them).

Isn't this discussion was just Episode 1