
I can figure Tyrion was working up to that. Day 1: Touched dragons without becoming canapé. Day 2: Set them loose. Eh, what could happen?

Not feeding them for 7 days could be SOP before a battle.

I can take "hearing Drogon" as enough of a reason.

It's just her. No quotes.

It was on the phone.


I assumed that the blood-thirsty, half-starved, man-eating, murder-dogs' individual kennels could be opened in some remote fashion.

I can't believe anybody is dead until I see their body on half of the screen and their head on the other.

There is a lottery they can enter for ten dollar tickets. In fact, the number of tickets was just doubled.

The rumor is the wildfire stashed beneath the city.

Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS does a fundraiser every year called Broadway Easter Bonnet. I got to go this year. There is fun stuff on YouTube. The bonnet competition caps off six weeks of fundraising by Broadway, Off-Broadway and touring shows. The show that raised the most by far, the most ever, and about 10% of

After all that I would need a note from my fiancé's shrink before I mocked his peen. Heck, I'd want couples therapy before and after mocking his peen. The chances of this dude doing a full loop back to insecure town are solid.

Why does Evie have her hair hanging over the side of her face WITHOUT the scar?

How the hell far away did the Hound go to get wood? There were trees everywhere.

He's definitely testing the waif - that she's got a grudge is awfully un-faceless.

He already betrayed her.

If Sansa defeats him it will be because she's more capable than he thinks - it certainly won't be that he treated her with kid gloves out of love for her mother.

Littlefinger is on Littlefinger's side. He will ingratiate himself to every important person who can so that no matter who wins he's on the inside.

Margery has some play going on here.

Do you somehow think that gay men are underrepresented among working actors? I could laugh myself into a broken rib at that notion.