Pissed off Pooh

I backed Pussycat, personally. Chaos 2 & Hypnodisc were impeccably designed but their functions were as dull as butter-passing. Pussycat actually had personality (as much as a non-sentient robot can) and a pretty unique design so I was always impressed when it managed to do as well as it did.

I liked that Futurama had the balls to actually have some sort of chronology. I want to see an animated show that actually visually ages its characters over time (pls refer me to any pertinent examples).

Francis Greenslade popping up here was so completely unexpected and utterly delightful.

Is this persistent mistaking of Marmite for Vegemite an elaborate joke by The AV Club? If so, I'm getting pretty pissed off! How dare you desecrate our national spread!

Some great suggestions already.

I agree almost entirely with Sean.

oh yeah, it's not a musical at all.

I will second the Ben Folds vote, and also add Tim Freedman, Jarvis Cocker, Joanna Newsom and Quan Yeomans/Ben Ely (of Regurgitator) to the pool.

The short film that this series is ostensibly based off was wonderful. Benji and Esther have a hilarious, unique (for television) chemistry.

The concept of tipping - in an American context - is ridiculous.

I like Zoe Kazan but I'm not sure why, considering I've only ever seen her in Josh Radnor's basic 'happythankyoumoreplease.' From now on I think I'll say I like her because of this interview.

Charlie Guiteau, never said never or heard the word no.
Faced with disaster his heart would beat faster, his smile would just grow.
and he'd say…
Look on the bright side, look on the bright side, sit on the right side of the lord.
This is the land of opportunity, he is the lightning you his sword.
Wait 'til you see

Or, at the very least, a significantly resistant reading. It's a case of taking a number of minor faults and extrapolating them to entirely unrelated aspects of the narrative.

George Lucas will scoff in contempt.

Why is this episode called 'We'll Always Have Baltimore?'

I would like to see an animated film version of Sunday in the Park with George. Or perhaps, more pipe-dreamy, a series of tv films which chronologically adapt all of Sondheim's musicals in various styles of animation (ie; SitPwG would be in the style of Sylvain Chomet, Pacific Overtures = Miyazaki, A Funny Thing

This is neither a new or original concept. Anti-meme culture has been strong for a very long time. Try 'Shit Memes' for a better example.

This reeks of anti-shark propaganda. I won't stand for it, or - more accurately - I won't sit down in a movie theatre for it.

This isn't even logically cohesive or following any distinct narrative. This is literally just captions on photos. Any chump could do this for any two pieces of media on MS Paint. Lets get fkn RuPaul's Drag Race and Winnie the Pooh going.

I agree. Why aren't we talking about that the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League?