Pissed off Pooh

Wicked. What a dull story with dull, underwhelming music.

Shame they didn't include some of the worst depictions like that STICK rabbit, noted fuccboi Tigger and athletic god Christopher Robin.

Taking bets on when the first AV Club article about musical theatre won't mention Hamilton will be. My guess is 2020, just after an article titled 'Why doesn't Hamilton hold up?'

I hope Ben Vereen appears and righteously declares woman, your fine ointment - brand new and expensive - could have been saved for the poor.

Needs more 'Thank You For Loving Me At My Worst' by The Whitlams. Australians make good music too you know!

I ctrl-f'd to see if anyone mentioned Pacific Overtures. So glad at least someone did. The world is still not ready for its beauty and importance.

Martin Sheen has gold

Not the jacket but the sleeve

I was younger then. I was good at climbing trees. I saw everything.

The first time I watched Sunday in the Park with George (the wonderful filmed version with Mandy Patinkin and Bernie Peters) and Mandy says 'I am not hiding in my work I am living in it' left me fucking breathless. That whole song ('We Do Not Belong Together') is exceptional, as is the whole score. Flawed, yes, but as

I really love Pale Green Things, just lyrically and melodically beautiful. Also - unrelated - but the title describes my shits pretty well too.

Who gives a fuck though? Soon every day on the calendar will be filled with a meaningless fucking anniversary as generation x nostalgically circle jerk to their youth.

Yeah! Fuck that guy!

A wonder how long it'll be before we can get an article about Kristin Stewart that doesn't mention that she was the first American woman to win the Cesar award…

Depending on the type of work, I can listen to the entirety of Joanna Newsom's discography in one sitting.

Jesse Eisenberg is a dead ringer for a doctor-era Tom Baker