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    You forgot the "Let’s break it down: at the same time Brock Turner is getting off with a light tap for raping an unconscious woman and photographing her breasts for a group chat … As assaults are Periscoped across the web and girls commit suicide after being exposed in ways they never imagined … While Bill Cosby’s

    Sh's my favorite because she's the most fun to watch.

    heh. no.

    Kind of like those Christian "pray the gay away" camps where they send you away with a bunch of men for a few months?

    I do. Another mistake in a long line of Jon Snow mistakes. The only thing he has going for him (in my eyes) is being resurrected. No way to argue with that.

    That was about what I expected. Kinda just a gloss over and move on.

    It does seem like Selina just gave up. Apart from the Keurig in the floor, she just kinda went "meh".

    Thank you. Its still a "good" show, just not the same show. With the exception of "Mother", this season isn't as cynical and the cast doesn't seem to riff off each other as much as previous. It seemed to me that the plot has always been secondary to the dialog and this season reversed that.

    Considering all the male interns he ordered, he probably wasn't interested.

    They all look pretty nervous. I was thinking after that explosion, why would you want to show up to any royal events?

    The Sansa/Jon dynamic should be interesting next season. I do think Sansa is beginning to realize she wants power now that she's got a taste of it. They have Winterfell because she urged Jon to take his Wildling army south. She also saved his ass after he made terrible mistakes that got thousands of people killed.

    As soon as I saw Cersei in black, I knew shit was about to get real. TV Cersei has been my favorite character to watch. She's not nearly as repulsive and stupid as the book and Lean Heady just commands every scene she's in. That black leather and metal dress will probably be cosplayed into oblivion. I get the feeling

    Yeah the audience got a chance to tell those shit heads how we really feel through Olenna. It's like the writers were saying "sorry we fucked Dorne up so bad".

    Yeah I totally don't get the zombie rape angle. What zombie would even care about getting hard?

    I enjoyed his hearty "FFFFFFuck Meereeen".

    Ben Mendelsohn absolutely blew me away in Bloodline on NetFlix. This movie is guaranteed to be good because he's in it. :)

    Leeroy Jenkins was staged? :*( My childhood is ruined.

    I like knowing what kind of show I'm watching before I waste my precious time on it. If none of the character's decisions are going to make sense and I have to overlook terrible writing from the get go to "enjoy it", then I'll watch something else.

    But that's exactly what I got from their fight at the end. How can Ramsey hit Rickon from across the battelfield, but miss Jon right in front of him if it wasn't for magic? I thought Ramsey started looking pretty worried after the 2nd time the arrow failed to hit him.

    I didn't like this format at all. I want a quick, rapid fire Veep. I don't want an emotional documentary that slows down the story for us to keep up. I don't want to see people clapping for Selina in her moment of need. I don't want to see the camera lovingly gaze at a lover as they wake up.