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    You really could make at least six totally different movies from that book. I'm sure they'll totally miss every theme and just pull out the action sequences.

    Marvel's Neuromancer. Case will be a healthy blonde beefy techbro, they'll cast the space rastas as white men and The Chainsmokers will make the "dub", Molly's outfit will have a boob window and her cowboy boots will have built in wedges, all the cigarettes and amphetamines will be replaced with beer and vodka product

    Wow. I thought the whole point of that scene was their deep, spiritual connection. That they were seeing each other "as the human" (or non-human?) that they each were. I don't understand how you can watch that scene and come to the conclusion that it was a desperate sort of one night stand. I'm sure the guy in the

    I also have to say that i was totally mesmerized by Chris Obi and I wouldn't be sad if I died and he showed up :D

    I think that if all you want to tell your audience is that the characters had sex, then yes showing tits jiggle for 10 mins is gratuitous. Which is what watching most sex scenes on tv feels like to me. :D

    I just kept expecting "BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH" :(

    As a heterosexual white woman, I had never been exposed to cosmic desert shadow fire jizzum fucking.

    I feel like someone brings Sue up after every episode. So much so that I feel like there's a joke I'm not included in. Like, "this peripheral character is pointless, so let's be sure to talk about her every episode and make it a thing" kind of joke.

    lol Amy is a "beefy blonde".

    I hate orgy scenes on tv. They are so cringey. Like watching teens pretend to party. Why do so many hbo shows feel like they have to include them? Is there an orgy lobbying group? Quota?

    The show has switched from biting political commentary to over the top, surreal physical comedy from Gary and Selina. I don't understand it anymore. They both act like they've had a dozen mini-strokes and everyone just seems to go along with it.

    Why is no one curious about the Explosion? It must have been huge if it's grounding flights around the world. Did they explain it and I just missed it? What is going on?

    I don't know who to reply to, but I guess yours is the most relevant post, since I agree that a show about (to me) finding yourself as a person - as a woman - would end with finding yourself through motherhood. :( I'm looking forward to Handmaid's Tale too much, I guess.

    I was honestly made very uncomfortable by those sounds.

    Great start.

    Yay! I'm so glad this show is back!! Solid first episode. HBO has made Sundays great, again. Can't forget the comma.

    I'm just disappointed in how a progressive, modern show called "Girls" can end with a whole episode about breastfeeding. Fuck. Is this what it means to be a girl? fuck me, then. I'm done.

    This has to be the best train wreck I've seen in a long time. A show about how interpretive dancing can cure ALS and stop a school shooting. Amazing.

    Charlotte is just a bad actor. Sooooo bad. I can't imagine why they'd cast someone like her to play Knudsen's and Hopkin's colleague. No gravitas.

    I'm still hung up on Felix making all those changes to Maeve. It doesn't make any sense to me and I'm still waiting for that explanation everyone said was coming.