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    I really wish that Dany could have flown to Winterfell and bbq'd them all except for Sansa. (and maybe Tormund). Saved us all from that disappointing made for TV movie that took place there.

    I love Maria's stand up and I really really really wish I liked this show. I just end up wandering off during the middle of episodes. Maybe there's just too much dog singing or ben-bacharach sweating and grunting.

    I watched the first couple of episodes. I don't think the best show on tv would rape its female protagonist in the first? episode. I'm so over that shit.

    Wow I do not understand the Chappie hate. There was nothing overtly offensive about it. I even enjoyed watching Die Antwoord because they're so fucking weird to look at. I estimate there are 14,000 worse movies made every year. And Elysium was a self serious eye rolling turd from beginning to end. It actually made me

    I got tricked into reading that book 😑

    I think he's the funniest guy on here. But mainly when he's sitting in his chair with his bong, or bitching about yogurt. I think he works best when he has nothing to on his own except criticize/take credit for Richard's choices. Stealing all of Big Head's money was a bit much.

    As much as I would like to see Jaime side with Brienne, they were his kids as well as Cersei's who were murdered. I have a hard time thinking he would just "let it go".

    Not really a criticism of the show, but the "previously on" guitar music is so weirdly terrible. It would make me turn the channel if I'd never seen the show before.

    A quick google will tell you that M'lady has more connotations than just "dorky". ;) She works at facebook so she should know her memes.

    I think it's supposed to be blatant imagery for the plight of women through out most of religious history.

    Yeah no shit. And especially Ned Stark's bastard rising from the dead. That's the kind of thing that would at least start some rumors.

    I enjoyed the framing of the two lawyers who were black and female when Gavin was going on about how "we used to just kill people we didn't like back in the day" speech. I know that was on purpose and it was funny and cringey.

    +1 Loved the dragon scene, I almost forgot it wasn't real. I just hope Dany finally does something more than speak really inspiring Dothraki from its back. We get it lady, you can do speeches.

    I've started looking forward to this show more than Game of Thrones :o I also would like to say that I have a Krush on Kent.

    S2 Ward was my favorite , so I almost wish he was completely gone from the show. His body being Hive is just plain mean. The guy had been through so much and was confused throughout his life and then in death he's a literal monster. Poor dude. I almost hope he's in there somewhere and can be redeemed somehow. Also, I