
"In retrospect, I think they'll have to admit we reacted very politely."

I think life would be poorer without the Wicker Man-as-comedy trailer.

Let's be fair here: most pro-Jesus rock, i.e. "Christian rock" is gawdawful.

I basically clicked on this list to make sure the VU and Big Star were included, which, yeah, good job, AVC.

Hey, I say that when I'm finished too!

How come you don't see more advertising for books online? This article has a 104 comments on it so far, so at least that many people glanced at it. That's a number to build on. You see ads in magazines and even on TV, so why not the Web? Are publishers too proud? Don't they want to sell their titles?

That's one weird book blurb. I'm not sure I'm sold.

Isn't all wanking dismissive, though? I mean it's not like the sperm are coming back.

I misread this as Apathy Day 2015, which really pleased me. The idea of a holiday on which everyone is expected to be apathetic struck me as a nice change; most holidays involve so much fuss. Imagine an apathetic Christmas. Black Friday wouldn't exist. What better gift could you ask for? No travel delays, because

An amazing get. This guy is a living slice of film history. Amazing that the same guy was in Saboteur, Trainwreck and the Nude Bomb. This interview could've gone on for a year.

Richman's live performance of "A Plea for Tenderness" on Precise Modern Lovers Order is one of my favorite recordings by anyone ever:

What's the word?
What's the price?
Fifty-five twice!*
What's the reaction?

It worked on Reno 911, though.

Yeah, Jiggs would go to Dinty's saloon for corned beef and cabbage, the way Irish people do.

He seems like he would be, so much so that when I reread the book I hear Arkin's voice delivering the dialogue.

I've never seen the movie, but that moaning scene in the book always makes me laugh out loud whenever I reread it.

My dad hated Monty Python until he watched that scene and fell out of his chair laughing.

My favorite line from Angels' Revenge is when one of the Angels is going up a ladder and the camera just stays glued to her ass wiggling up the steps.
Crow: "Hey, they're giving away the plot!"

"Oh boy, sleep! That's when I'm a Viking!"

When Malcolm and Jamie are coaching Ben for his Paxman interview: Ben's answer to the first question is just slightly hesitant and Jamie immediately shouts: "Oh answer the question, you fat piece of shite!" "Paxman won't say that." "He will, he absolutely will!"