
My favorite MST moments are the quacking duck-print and whenever Joel does the diner-owner's voice in I Accuse My Parents.

Eddie Murphy running across the freeway (with "trained stunt drivers") does me in too.

For some reason (I don't want to explore it too much) I have a real weakness for a good puke joke. (I can hardly watch The Exorcist without giggling.) So Mr. Creosote's first puke in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life always makes me laugh. It and a puke in the first season of The League of Gentlemen are two of the

I'm always gratified how nice he is. He's always praising presentation and stage presence, even when the trick is one they're familiar with. I think he and Teller respect any magician willing to take the risk.

He is the one who nyucks.

Lost Joel Siegel blurb to be released by estate: "Go set a must-watch for Pixels!!!"

The Fisher King was a new Criterion DVD release. The Dissolve reviewed both DVD releases and new films, just like the AVC. The other new reviews would have been listed right below it on the right-hand side of the page, and previous reviews were viewable by scrolling down. I'm not sure I see the difficulties. And

"That place can't go away quickly enough." Because of the design, you meant? It was ruining the internet? And that review of The Fisher King— pretty bad, huh?

Yeah, but the people here aren't kvetching about Pitchfork; they're ragging on the writers and the commenters.

Well, seriously, what the fuck is with it? "The site couldn't go away fast enough." That's nothing if not hostile. What do you expect?

Rabin wasn't "dumped." There were financial troubles at the site. I don't know what the details were, but that wasn't the Dissolve's fault, that was Pitchfork's.

I remain an avclubber— I don't consider anyone here to be "lesser" or "less-intelligent." I just liked the content over there more than I liked it here. Get the chip off your shoulder.

What the fuck is with all the anti-Dissolve crap? I used to post under the AVC, for a long time, almost since the start, under a different handle, and then it seemed like the AVC was becoming 90% articles about video games, which I don't care about, or "Great Job, Internet"-posts, which were mostly dumb. The

Exactly. Does anyone think of Frank Capra as being a "foreign" director?

That strikes me as pretty plausible, actually, although Verdoux's final speech does remind me a bit of the speech at the end of The Great Dictator.

I love The 39 Steps and The Lady Vanishes, but what with Shadow, Foreign Correspondent, North By Northwest, Vertigo and Rear Window, there's no doubt about which nationality he embraced.

I'm going to break my rule about not complaining about lists on the internet. So not even runner-ups: Allen, Ashby, Coppola, Gilliam, Huston, Keaton. And if we're calling Chaplin American, what are we calling Hitchcock, most of whose films were far more American in sensibility than British? And if we're making room

You should try watching the Mary Tyler Moore Show intro without music. It's a portrait in mental illness.

How was his reaction ever anything but kicking someone to death?

Yeah, that probably should have started with "Guess what?"