
The ending that makes the most sense to me would be her losing the baby, and deciding she wants a child anyway. That way, the character actively tells the audience how her worldview has changed, rather than having it imposed on her by reality (which is a perfectly valid way to change in reality, just less so as a

called White Men Can't Jump, which is what he can't

And I get that now, but I still think that's a good argument for Maher making a mistake in having him on, but not for him generally having an irrelevant show

What thing?

Because the article frames it as "we hate this guy, therefore the host of the program who had him on has zero cultural relevance despite large and rising ratings and obsessive discussion about him on this very site". Milo, who I admittedly only today learned was directly inciting violence against individuals, which is

Especially since one of the people everyone tells you to boycott is very possibly the next President


So what, though? Should we stop watching his show because he said something idiotic? If so, I'd have stopped a long time ago

Fair enough. I can't see attacking Maher for having these guests on, but I can't say I wouldn't personally have preferred actual interesting people either

So, wait, avclub is enabling Maher, who is enabling Milo, who…

That actually provides a lot more context than I had for this. I thought he was saying offensive things, but if he himself is directly inciting violence, that turns everything on its head

who doesn't?

His drunk hosting right before the election is legendary for me. As honest as TV can get. I was in hysterics too (and I'm not even American) but things have actually turned out way worse than I ever imagined

I wouldn't have even heard about him if not for all the protesting

Liberal to liberal, that's not helping

Yeah, that was what I tried to say

Also, if we're laughing, who cares?

Wait, you're saying that in a lost election where the left (who I support) policed speech and shut out dissent, the person who didn't do that is part of the problem?

Most of the "younger, more relevant" shows have bad ratings and get cancelled quickly, including Wilmore. That's not a comment on quality, I love all of it, but it does speak to relevance. Older people watch TV, too, and people do get smarter with age, if slower to adapt to change

Or "dead civilians" instead of "collateral damage"