
Well, he doesn't mock the transgendered (he does make jokes) and has had transgendered people on the show, he doesn't hate an entire religion, and in fact has discussed religion with a lot of Muslims regarding the ideals and the need for a reform in many countries, and as for the vaccine stuff… OK, you're right about


Something tells me you find him so not worth listening to that you haven't actually listened to him
(edited "else" to "tells" after being called out for it)

And on the other side, a lot of conservatives are falling over themselves to call out Muslims for stances on women and gay people, while being against equal rights themselves.

As a liberal, I agree 100%, and it's also why Maher's show is the best of its kind

Felt like that line was in quote-marks

Hell, if people hadn't taken the bait, a troll wouldn't be President right now

Speaking as a liberal from a more liberal country (Norway, the place Bernie Sanders pictures when he cums unless he thinks of Denmark first), I think Real Time represents the most adult form of American TV, where the host often confronts his own audience. The idea that people get angry at having to hear disgusting

Not to play the gender card too much, but since she's the first female nominee in the history of the United States, she didn't have EVERY conventional advantage. And since the worst candidate imaginable won, the result says less about her and more about the voters

That's fair

Then how come he didn't?

And now you get nothing

She actually was the one thing standing between the country and a demented fascist grifter.

Pretty sure you're allowed to write "dick"

Whenever I think of Trump now, the first image that pops up is actually the SNL version. Same with Sean Spicer.

My favorite conspiracy theory of all time is that Alex Jones is, wait for it… Bill Hicks! Something about how Alex Jones suddenly looked ten years older the very moment Hicks "allegedly" died, and that Hicks got into conspiracy theories around the Waco-incident. It's online somewhere. The reason I love it is that Alex

Reminds me of the time they were over the moon with admiration for Trump on Morning Joe for how well he behaved during his (ridiculous, reality show-like) Supreme Court rollout, because he simply read his remarks and didn't go off on an insane, raving tangent like he always does. I swear, the bar for him is under the

Don't cancel, just do two things:
Keep seats dedicated to the people who are unable to attend empty, and cut to them whenever their names are mentioned
Do a bit about how Hollywood has had an adverse influence on society, then show the highlights from the "Biff as major" sequence in Back to the Future 2, which we know

A point the film dedicates an entire scene to making explicitly clear as the major flaw of the character