
You do seem in need of some lighthearted entertainment

Yup, I meant that Trump alleges they were fake, and it wasn't even CNN.

We've got 65 000 Norwegians who aren't allowed into the US because of dual citizenships. They are far into the act of sabotaging America's place in the world. How do you think the Iraqis fighting ISIS with America feel about Trump's promise to loot their oil? More damage has been done to America by Trump than by

Dude, you won't believe what's happened during your time in a coma! You know that hammy reality show villain with the insane hair and gigantic gut who keeps yelling about Obama being a Kenyan? He's President now!

He spent his entire campaign directing the attention of his bloodthirsty crowd to the press pool and saying they were despicable liars. Many reporters have said it was a terrifying experience. We know where this is going.

Tell me again what CNN did wrong? Seems to me they're being punished for Buzzfeed's publication of an allegedly fake (though more and more prophetic) intelligence document. Meanwhile the White House has been lying their asses off

This is inspiring and all, but can it compete with Trump's "Me angry! Me wear red hat with words!"?

If anything, they're underrated now

The top two on this list are true masterpieces. Sure, they're made by older people, but two legitimately great records isn't that horrible for a year.

I was definitely being facetious.

For sure, E.T. and Psycho rank highly among my favorites, but there was a time when I looked to these lists to see what I'd missed. And once a nation elects it's reality show villains to run the country, isn't that a sign that they need to stop condescending and stand up and say "I know better because it's my job and

It's simpler than saying "this list is representative of the fear of elitism that drives cultured people to elevate junk food and Marvel and Trump in such a way that in-depth-knowledge is seen as a disadvantage, making the existence of the list much less valuable than if it had contained discoveries and led the reader

Poptimism is still alive and well in cinema writing

That cat is dead now

How about Batman gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gets superpowers?

Spiderman, huh? What will they think of next

I think the best movie of the genre is Close Encounters of the Third Kind

NASA sent people to the moon, and I'm supposed to respond to this comment?

You need to see Whiplash. It's fantastic. And yes, this clip spoils some big reveals

The main question about George Lucas is also the main question about modern American cinema: is the creator of any value at all? Last year's Star Wars karaoke performance was the biggest example so far of a fanbase cheering the absence of the creative mind behind an idea so the corporation can make a more commercial