
That's obviously a matter of opinion, but at least they weren't all number 5's and 6's or remakes or prequels or franchises. In defense of Fight Club I'll say they got all of Mr. Robot into one movie, but with jokes to boot.

But Bush 1 threw up in that Japanese Prime Minister's lap and Dole fell off the stage, so it evens out

What kind of non-thinker runs for President?

The Mad Men ending was one of the biggest gut-punches I've experienced watching TV, like seeing yourself in the mirror for the first time. Favorite show ever, re-watched repeatedly. The only logical ending to Breaking Bad would be for Walter to finally try his own product

It's been years, but what was so bad about "That's My Dog"? I remember it as riveting and coming completely out of left-field. It may be contrived to add yet another tragedy to the family, but there were as many contrivances in the Breaking Bad pilot alone

I heard it plenty. And I'm from Norway

Trump claims not to drink at all, and Bush was an alcoholic. These are the guys voters wanna have a beer with.

It was 99. Hard to get heard over the chatter about The Matrix, American Beauty, Magnolia, Fight Club, Being John Malkovich, Blair Witch, The Insider, American Beauty, Eyes Wide Shut and all the rest of it. But it's a great movie
EDIT: OK, so what everyone was ACTUALLY talking about was Phantom Menace, which I think

What were those? I'm scratching my head over what they were supposed to mean or how they fit into the story. Loved the movie, though

Powerless in the face of Donald Trump? I mean, sure, he won fair and square, but the majority of Americans voted for someone else, and the entire world thinks he's a clown of the highest order, so it's not like he won any sort of argument. Just get through the next for years of everyone saying America is a stupid

SNL goes around the world, and the world hates Trump.

His death was announced after his funeral, so luckily he never saw the election returns

Hated in the Nation is my favorite movie of the year so far, and the avclub reviews of this season feel frustratingly like they've been done by someone who's not really into the show. I would probably have given every episode an A, which isn't helpful either, but this was like The Birds with a better story, and it's

The reason is Palin, and the fact that Romney sought Trump's endorsement in the middle of the birther-horror. The only implication is that the Republican party has flirted with some of Trump's ideology for a while, and now they have a candidate who says those kinds of things openly. It is, of course, possible to be

Good double bill with Mulholland Dr

It replaced Citizen Kane on the Sight and Sound list in 2012, and that list was the reason we've always referred to Citizen Kane as history's greatest.

Aha, thanks

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, but what on earth was the whole Young-hee operation actually about?

Fans of the efforts of Beethoven and Mozart, for example

Other sites have already adjusted their scores upwards, in fact