
It's all Lynch's dream, right?

No, Cooper is

I liked that part of the Obama era, that it was easy to know who to root for. Everything about Trump makes complete sense seen in the light of him being blackmailed by Russia. That's how we view him here, and the spy angle is interesting, but it's as slow moving as The Americans' third season. When Comey said Trump

Dammit! I'll have to watch it now then

I used to love watching American politics, because politics in Norway are too boring (everyone thinks universal health care is a good idea, nobody thinks everybody having guns is clever, nobody makes attack ads) but I've gotten bored of it. Bush was the best comedic character of our time because his bloopers were so

That means you were wrong

It was only the third greatest thing in the new series so far for me, after the "only known photograph" of Cooper and the five-episode build-up to the golden shovels-bit

The last time a Republican became President by winning a majority of the vote was 29 years ago. I phrased that a bit lawyerly to avoid counting the 2004 re-election, but still

It was on Morning Joe. Then on Hardball he said he had an "Aleppo moment" when he couldn't think of a single world leader he admired.

The Russians share the blame for Trump, so no need to hide being American there

I've been waiting for a great scene all season, but this episode had two of them. But it does feel like the entire season is table-setting for the last season.

This was the first great episode of the season for me, and had qualities so strong that even the real-life, much more dramatic Russia storyline reached an incredible cliffhanger at around the same time. The wigs on the Americans are more believable than the lead in the reality show version, and the fictional story is

Also, people probably didn't tell pollsters they were voting Trump because that's not the kind of thing you admit even to a stranger

The controllers on both side of the screen snap off to become two small controllers for portable multiplayer, and both of them have Wii-style motion control functionality in them, and they sell wheels to put the controllers in for Mario Kart.

I only wish I could take the Wii U with me so I didn't have to hang out in front of the TV so much, so my choice of console to buy is pretty simple. Even a Playstation exclusive like Persona 5, which looks really interesting, is something I could only imagine playing if I could bring it with me.

I've borrowed a Wii U since the launch of the Switch, and I've played it about five times more than I played the Xbox 360 I bought years ago. Same thing happened when I borrowed a Wii four years ago. I'll never go non-Nintendo again

All right, maybe I overreacted :)
Didn't she make a big point of how her new friends were "ambitious" unlike her broke or poor older friends, though? I might misremember

It was mainly her reaction to seeing her friend show up. If I had moved on from a friend, never talked it out, and they showed up at an event I'd neglected to invite them to, I hope I wouldn't treat them like they're in the wrong or like they're intruders, and I certainly hope I wouldn't talk them down and shit on

I did like the scene and the episode, but I was surprised at how the reviewer said she was the one who had it together. The way she reacted when someone who thinks she's her friend showed up was pretty petty. The show does a good job of making everyone multi-faceted and flawed, but I didn't find her very likable in

So everyone's always like "x is the worst" and it turns out Shoshanna is actually the worst. "See these successful people? That's my crowd now, not losers like you!"