
Flawlessly alphabetical sequencing, no less!

The Present Tense!

Deerhoof is brilliant, but there's nothing to grasp or think about in the slightest. They make great jams, but of the kind that some people hear as separate musicians playing separate songs. It's brilliant, one of my favorite bands (as is Radiohead), but you're being given the wrong ideas about what it is.

By mental illness, do you mean late childhood?

Radiohead's version of Shiny Happy People is probably Fitter Happier :)

Part of it was "How dare this guitar band release an electronic(-ish) album when artists have spent years learning that craft", another part was "how dare the big hope of saving traditional rock from this wave of electronic music make use of synths and programmed beats". The two scenes were not supposed to go

From what i remember, and I was very young (waiting with baited breath for the new song, going home from school and watching the VHS recording of Paranoid Frickin' Android is one of my foundational musical memories) it was pretty much a universal rave. During The Bends, some people still saw them as part of the group

It's one of their best, but it left some traditionalists behind like Kid A did back in the day, before everyone suddenly changed their minds about it

Maybe, but they've skipped the rebellion part.

The original cut of Toy Story was dark and edgy. If that's what people want now, just release that

Like me he's Norwegian, and what he's trying to say is "I like it when filmmakers don't condescend"

"And Barrabas’ “Wild Safari” closes us out"
That's what I came here to find out! Hearing that song was the first big musical moment for me on this show, which is usually just fun for it's inventive camerawork. This was pretty good, and MAN that was a great track!

That would actually be a good angle for show, a woman getting the opportunity of a lifetime in the 70's record industry, but she has to work for a maniacal, coked out owner

Star Wars is just SO 1977/80/83/99/02/05/15

This still looks like a game

I really can't engage that point without, you know, specifics.

The nineties had a gold-brown tint

I got a genuine belly-laugh when Hannah showed up in the "I woke up like this"-sweater


Is it really a problem that a movie is "dated"? The only movies that don't age as much are the more generic ones. I actually don't think I would have loved Easy Rider back in 69, but since I've watched so many movies ABOUT that period and how they were thinking, I love that that movie simply IS the sixties and the