
But if someone told you that day that The Great Depression wouldn't happen, that unemployment would go from 10,8 to 4,9, that America would have the longest sustained period of private sector job growth in its history, that gay marriage would be legal, that gay people could serve in the military, that he would get a

I'm turning 36. My big thing in my twenties was to not become that old guy who said "this isn't music, it's just noise" and "what the HELL are the kids up to these days?!", but then nothing happened and everything I loved when I was eight not only became the basis for big movies, but also what I'm expected to love

So far. But sample-based music was a revelation, so there's an opportunity (legislative issues aside) to mash things up into something new and meaningful. Or, obviously, to make something surprising from scratch. The question is if anyone's interested

That just means it's gonna be even more amazing when something interesting happens. I keep thinking that with all these cheaper cameras and editing software on our laptops and youtube to bypass gatekeepers, that a great, popular indie wave can happen in film. But I see few signs of it

True, but isn't it still here, sort of, even though there's less reason for it?

Why isn't that happening now?

Are there any decade-defining elements of 2000-2010? I'm curious how that period will be remembered

This is the best time I've had watching TV since May 17. Maybe there's still some breath in TV's lungs after all, even with Marvel et all crashing the party

"Picasso something. He won't amount to a thing. Trust me!"

That was also extensively discussed in the actual show

He's funny

I partly blame the adaptation f movies into shows for ending that whole golden age of TV thing. Seems so long ago, but it really isn't.

In the age of film bloat, you ALMOST had me at 102 minutes

Not to be that guy, but you can't say a movie isn't good unless you see it first.

Oh, get it

Yeah, I was joking about that part, I didn't think it was your real name :)

This being avclub I'm not sure if this is a joke or genuine. You made one of the minute by minute shows? (Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments sounds so American) Because I'm pretty sure the shows did win awards.

In Norway, a camera placed on the front of a train taking an 8 hour route had so many hundreds of thousands of viewers that it spawned its own genre. The biggest hit so far is a show about a boat traveling the fjords, which played for several days straight and occasionally had more than a million viewers in a country

Do they pick their feet? (Foreigner, only context I've hear Poughkeepsie in before)

I'm surprised they aired it.