
The movie is unspoilable. Nothing remotely surprising happens at any point

I agree, and have bands that I've seen fifteen times and always run into the same people at the shows, but that's kind of what avclub and so on are here to point out to us. I've seen about half the bands on this list play, and most of them are just OK. Year-end lists are often an opportunity to find all kinds of

But wouldn't it then follow that there would be a hell of a lot of weird niches out there, with films and records that one could only imagine ten years ago? Studios actually make fewer movies than they used to, and the plan of simply branding things with nostalgic names is working very well. I just want my mind blown,

I am actually aware of him, since he's Swedish and us Scandinavians are always so proud when someone from here gets attention, but it's just commentary.

I'm not even really saying it's a bad thing in general, I just think kids are into other things now, because there doesn't seem to be a lot of passion for new movies or music.

Would it be fair to say that pop music and movies are less important to Millennials than to previous generations? In a way, we've all tried to find our own versions of baby boomer culture for decades, so maybe that's the endless cycle that's been broken? We're simply re-filming GenX kids' shows and "Greatest

Just my opinion, but I think Goodfellas is possibly the most playful movie by any director, and boy does it go nuts! The moment Henry Hill's date suddenly started speaking in voice over is to me what Wizard of Oz going to color probably was to earlier generations

The fact that your top 5 are from five different decades says a lot about his consistency

I loved it, and I hate everything

The first sentence fills me with such nostalgia. What was then a letdown from a would-be auteur is now something to aspire to for the defining form of pop culture of our era

It says a lot about my impression of the man that at first glance I thought the picture for this article was from a campaign video he'd made

I usually check in with this show only when it gets close to a Presidential election (not being American and all) but I always get struck by how terrible it is. The Trump bits were pointless and unfunny, sure, but everything else was also baffling in it's lack of relevance and jokes. The M.I.A. thing from however many

Fair point, but have you ever been confused by a Tarantino-movie?

I don't think calling something simple, popular and generally well-understood by the masses "incoherent" makes you look smart :)

And all the n-words

I'm not a brit or an American, so no offense taken. Just thought you were asking for replies, this being a blog and all.

Let me put it into perspective, UK-wise: Oasis were recorded drunk on a tape recorder giving an interview. It was released as a single, and made it into the top 30. It was also very common to buy the singles even if you owned the albums, because the b-sides also became cultural phenomenons. In concert, the band was

The whole britpop movement was an attempt to reclaim British music after not being successful for a while. Blur, Pulp, Supergrass and so on were enormous, while British bands Bush and Radiohead were big in the U.S. and almost unknown in Britain. "Creep" was not a hit in their home country at the time, but then things

They basically shut down MTV and other stations in Europe for days when Liam didn't go on the U.S. tour, just to show live footage from outside his house and speculate. In the U.S., where he was actually sopped to play, no one cared. But there's no way to exaggerate how big they were in Britain

I think maybe I am one. Tried finding out these generational definitions, and it seems I'm both a genX-er and a millennial, or one or the other, depending on who does the definitions. I self identify as an X-er, though