
Well, gay people are still getting bullied, committing suicide, getting beaten up and/or killed in public for being gay so there's probably still some room in our society for the whole gay rights thing.

A Dead Zone film needs to happen.

What's going to happen to future Hollywood films about saving the president?

Yup. Completely inaccessible.

They're also touring with Russian Circles, who are rad.

"Fine. We'll just go form our own Hollywood" is what I imagine their response will be.

I love you, @RepostedAvengedSevenfoldFan2:disqus

Liked The Town. Thought Gone, Baby Gone was ok but I wasn't thrilled with casting (I'm a Dennis Lehane fan), but Argo was so, so bad. Captain Philips, that came out the same year and had basically the same story, was the superior film by far.

He'll get stressed from thinking about all the people who mock and criticize him. Let's not forget that narcissists are super insecure.

We are engaging in a civil discussion with opposing opinions on Amy Schumer on the internet.

She's not my favourite comedian, but she makes me laugh, and I think people are way too hard on her.

I like Amy Schumer.

I'm putting my money on heart attack. The presidency tends to age even the best of them. At the very least, Trump will end up bald by the end of this.

Can't wait to read the AA Dowd review

It stinks!

I suggested The Get Up Kids. No upvotes yet. No love for emo here.

The Get Up Kids — I'm A Loner Dottie, A Rebel

CanCon alert!

Does Donald Trump know how much a gallon of milk costs? When was the last time you think he stepped foot in a grocery store?