
Right? Because I'm sitting here picturing a bunch of barefoot socialist hippies who own grocery store collectives and solve problems with hugs as the "alt-left". Am I wrong? Can someone explain what the "alt-left" is to this dummy Canadian?

Nice one

I think it's an act with Lana. I don't buy her image.

Could Keanu be any cooler?

When he thinks about life and he thinks about death, neither one particularly appeals to him.

Rick and Morty is the rightful heir to The Simpsons.

Hmm I've been a long time reader of these boards (shorter time commenter) but maybe I was actually working when that was posted. Sounds like quite the tale.

uh WHAT? Please tell me the rest of this story in full detail.

He is often misquoted.

Yes, please. I mean, this whole thing did get Morrissey to finally use social media.

It's not like he's Gary Glitter. That's probably the only thing that would get me to stop listening to The Smiths.

Is that what he said?

Yeah he's old money.

Kit Harrington also grew up rich. Very rich.

I was expecting him to say something thoughtful, meaningful, and somewhat inspiring. This was a massive disappointment. But that's what being a fan of his and The Smiths is all about, isn't it? Just a series of endless disappointments until one of them dies.

I'm still in shock at how poorly thought out his statement actually is.

The worst part about this statement is that it doesn't make any sense. I'm still wishing that the words he wrote were in a different order, and that he used completely different words.

It's very reactionary, and it doesn't really make any sense.

I've never interpreted that song as being racist at all, and that seems to be the only supporting evidence anyone has to his apparent history of racism.

Right? I just think at this point he shouldn't get final say, or his say shouldn't hold as much water as it once did. The movie isn't being made for him…