
Remember that scene in American History X when they go to their neo-Nazi rally and there's that shitty white power punk band playing? That's who they should book to play the inauguration.

Solange seems pretty cool.

Yeah, really. What is the point they're trying to make here? AVC is not an exclusively "liberal/progressive" site. It's for everyone.

Well, as an atheist, I don't have "beliefs", so, no. Atheism is not a belief system, it is the lack of belief; anti-theism.

"I wish you the best of luck and I hope you'll work for ALL of the American people as aggressively as you worked for your ratings."

A lonnnggg February and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last

That might be applicable to a specific group of aging, ignorant boomers and their parents, but a lot of what you say above is what they say about millenials, immigrants and visible minorities. That kind of divisive thinking is not helping.


I love Conan's travel segments. That should be his show.
Plus I'm sure his website and Youtube channel gets a lot of traffic.

Omg old people texting (╥_╥)

He's just killing time before the next season of House of Cards.

What's your favourite kind of soup?

Pralines and Dick.

In Canada we say "crisp" or "crumble" eh.

Seinfeld 100%

How soon is now?

MS Word tends to strip all of the lovely idiosyncrasies of typography away. I think to turn "curly quotes" on in MS Word you need to enable "typographer's quotes" in the preferences. As a designer, if I'm formatting a document with copy that someone has provided in MS Word, I usually have to go in and Find/Replace all

I don't bother, but I can see yours and they're beautiful.

Well, someone explained above that it's a huge pain in the ass for web code to sort out displaying smart quotes and "straight" quotes so it's best to override and default to "straight" quotes. There are certain typefaces that have been deemed "safe" for web use, BUT any well designed typeface whether it was designed

Weird! I wonder if that's just the version of the books you have?