
I always thought single quotes are used within a quote:

As a designer and type nerd, I die a little inside when I see the demise of smart quotes. The straight ones are inch marks, after all.

Straight guy.
Hey, do you have any recipe recommendations for a veg entree for Christmas? I need to bring something to eat to my sister's Christmas Eve dinner.

Totally. I've always been big on vegetables and I wasn't a big meat eater to begin with so like I said to my husband, I feel like I'm a good candidate for this. He wasn't very supportive when I attempted to do this last year but this time he sees how important this has become to me. He's still eating meat, but on his

All female Batman reboot.

All of the above.

On purpose, and hopefully for the remainder of my life.

Speaking of food, I've been meat free for 1 month today. Go me!

I'd watch that alternate timeline movie. Maybe it's akin to Inglorious Basterds. The women who aborted the worst men in history.

Yes, where are we at with the male birth control pill? It's high time men start taking responsibility for preventing unwanted pregnancies.

I'd imagine KISS conventions today resemble something out of The Wrestler.

But wait, the Red Ensign was the former Canadian flag before it officially changed in the 1960s. And there was a significant effort from the Canadian navy in WWII. It's possible!

Well, frig.

That looks like a pre-1960's Canadian Flag to me in some shots. Looks like someone in Hollywood is finally acknowledging that Canadians played a vital role in WWII.

Well, I now know that Fred Armisen doesn't give a shit about the disgusting and horrible state that KFC's suppliers keep their chickens in. I haven't eaten KFC in 10+ years and some regurgitated hipster pandering isn't going to get me to start.

Why is he so intent on ruining his own legacy?

Right?! Maybe Moz+Marr will record new music pretty please.

Yah dude. Well, technically "new". They're releasing a new 7" single of previously unheard versions of The Boy with a Thorn in His Side AND Rubber Ring. Complete with a new sleeve design by Morrissey himself. There was an article about it yesterday morning. So it's new but not really new but that seems like progress

So The Smiths are releasing new things and Ride are recording a new album? 2017 is shaping up!

I definitely see both sides of the argument. If we're going to kill animals, we might as well utilize everything from them that we can. However, I think the point is that we should try to reduce our reliance on animals and animal byproducts entirely, and that includes eating less (or no) meat all the way down to the