
Would Larry David still have made Curb? Because my whole life would be a lie without being able to recognize Larry David Moments.

Is he an organ donor? That's always nice when people donate their organs.

Captain Philips > Argo. Basically the same story but with less gratuitous shots of Ben without his shirt on.

I thoroughly enjoyed Supersonic.

This is cool. Truly a great job.

What was that last season anyway?

Municipal Waste

For real. Let's lock up all the Boomers in retirement homes and not visit them on Christmas.

Don't forget Dr Hook!

Judge Judy should be president.

My mother is convinced Trump raped Ivanka.

Was she on stage when he won?

What were the reasons he cancelled? I had tickets to see him in Flint Michigan (because he won't come to Canada, and Flint was the closest US city to me) and he cancelled because I think his mother was ill at the time. Was a huge pain getting a refund from Ticketmaster and we only got half the total cost back. I'd

I enjoyed that movie but I found Andrew Garfield's character really annoying. Why do people in movies make big life altering decisions without discussing it with their families first?

Wait, there are two Dan Levys?



Old man fashioning a kayak out of a log?

Relevant? Enjoyable? No way. Aerosmith were never good. Maybe that riff in Sweet Emotion. Other than that, they suck(ed).

Thank. God. Finally some good news for 2016.