
Monkey_pants gets it.

So the left says he's a racist, and the right says she's a liar, and neither want to budge, because they both think they're on the correct side. I'm not denying that Trump is a racist, or that some of his supporters are racist, or that maybe Hilary Clinton is a liar. I'm saying cutting ties with ALL of Trump's

Those Canadians want the pipeline because they think it will bring endless jobs and prosperity. Meanwhile, say goodbye to our wildlife, lakes, and rivers. There's gotta be another way to bring jobs to these provinces. My answer to all of Canada's problems is legalizing weed. It may be flawed, but it's all we've got.

Time for a Renaissance.

Whatever happens, we can't turn on each other.

Stupid babies need the most attention.

I'm not trying to preach communism to Americans HAH!
Poor choice of word, but the point still stands. We've seen this throughout history. Minions need to stick together.

You're probably right about me being deluded. I'm just trying to be positive.

Cutting support is definitely not the solution. And again, I'm Canadian so I don't know what I'm talking about. BUT all I'm saying is that whatever happens, liberals and people who know that Trump is trouble should not continue to expand the divide. The "Proletariat" need to work together.

Sorry, I was confused by the electoral college or however the fuck that works. There's no way that 59 million people are racist. The issue cannot be boiled down to just that.

The people of Germany didn't realize how deeply flawed Hitler's rhetoric was. The solution is not to push these people aside and call them stupid. They clearly make up a large percentage of the US. We need to help close the gap between us and them no matter what.

Exactly. We're better than this.

I want to believe that a lot of the things he said were just pandering. I'm trying to have a positive outlook about this because this shit affects my country too. We don't want the pipeline. NAFTA is a important aspect of our economy. We're all in this together. I wish people could see that. If Trump ran his campaign

And that's why they voted for Trump. So the circle will just continue to form then.

Half (almost half?) of your country can't be racists. I refuse to believe it.

Well clearly they're the most impressionable group of fucks in the universe, and no one has ever come out and spoke to their immediate needs AND showed them that hey, you yahoos, we're all the same. We're all struggling.

Maybe, but flip that around. That's how they feel about the other side. The point is for everyone to be on the same side. Rich VS poor, not one skin colour against another.

The point is that they aren't all racists.

From what I've gathered from reading message boards and comment sections (hardly qualifies me to be an expert on anything), it seems like a lot of white people feel like they have been made to feel like being white is wrong, and that being white gives them so much privilege. When in fact, those people might be living

I think it's important that we all try to understand why people voted for Trump beyond racism and sexism. In order to effectively solve a problem, we must research and design a new solution that addresses the needs and concerns of all stakeholders to the best of our abilities. If white people feel like they have been