
As a fellow Canadian, I can relate to your need to take a sabbatical from hard news. I also periodically go on what I call "media blackouts", which includes no tv, no radio, no social media, no internet basically for as long as I feel it's necessary. It's healthy to do so and it helps you recharge your brain. I found

virtually all the wealth created since the recession has gone into the pockets of the richest 1%

It's just like Stephen King's Dead Zone.

Despite me being in an entirely different country, this election is inescapable. In response, I'm going to watch Doctor Strange in IMAX tonight. Should be good.

You can't really compare the two because they were first ladies at completely different times.

I really like her energy. She's always so pumped.

It is important. It's like saying someone is Scottish when they're actually Irish.

Maybe the artist(s) responsible for the corporate influence piece only paid for the billboard space for a certain amount of time. How long was it up for?

As a knitter, I must point out that this is crocheted, not knitted, and there is a difference. One is not better than the other, but they are not the same thing.

For sure. I mean, what is "goth" really supposed to mean anyway? Is it fashion? Is it a mood? Is it a sound? To me, it's just another one of those meaningless labels made up my music journalists, like "grunge" or "shoegaze". I mean, Killing Joke could be classified as "goth" maybe, but then they're also classified as

The title alone is genius.

Sean, you deserve a Pulitzer for this masterpiece of an article.

Ugh… And the Oscar goes to…

Canada cares about WWI.

I love how The Cure changed their aesthetic to go with the trend at the time, and yet they ended up being the most successful (successful=longevity+money+air play) band out of that grouping of post-punk bands.

Frig I love that Underworld song.

I don't know, I mean, my brother-in-law has over 4000 friends on FB but he knocks back beer, cured meats, cheese, and cocaine like every weekend. Is he really going to live longer than me? I just don't like a lot of people…

Why can't this and Behind the Music still exist

No problem. I'll stock up on boxes of Kraft Dinner.

Good luck, America. We wish you all the best on November 8.