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    Well, it did have the hot Swedish exchange student. (Who shows her boobs at the end.) 13 year old me agrees!

    Funny, that's the one movie from that era I can stand.

    How about don't take your kid out to eat "two or three times a week" if you don't like what restraunts serve. I have twin toddlers. Believe me, I'm just happy if when we go out they are well behaved and eat pretty much anything.

    I drink mine black and love it. Fuck that noise. The rest I agree with.

    I think they are counting on his editing style to make Will Smith caraazy manic like Robin Williams. It won't work, of course.

    I know people dog Temple of Doom, but I just watched it with my kids (they're 8 and 10, well below the PG 13 rating) and it's a real blast. Yes, Willie is just as annoying as I remembered but it's a fun movie. I'm looking forward to seeing Last Crusade with them. For some reason, I didn't care for Crusade as much when

    Wow. One notch above Curly Sue is a damning indictment indeed!

    80' or early 90' R.Lee Ermey would have been perfect casting.

    I'm sorry, but after just viewing Logan again after it's initial release, this just looks cheesy as hell. I'm not even a huge Wolverine/X-Men fan but that movie was so fucking good. I just cant muster any feelings for yet another Spidey film.

    Well, the original Kono left after about 4 or 5 seasons, but when Chin departed the show only stayed on for two more seasons. Now, they can bring in Duke, Kimo etc.

    It sounds like he gave Spielberg the idea for E.T.!

    I wasn't really aware of Dazzler so I went down a Wiki Wormhole of my own. Apparently she's modeled on Bo Derek. Originally though, she was modeled on Grace Jones.

    Great! That saves time.

    I was actually kidding. I've read the story and i know it has an open ending that I guess was too upbeat for the movies producers. God, that was depressing. I'm not opposed to bleak endings, but geez.

    Was Bewildered a movie?

    I guess there goes that Gobots movie I was hoping for.

    Well, since I know that this all ends in a soul crushingly depressing murder/suicide, I think I'll just skip this one. Just kidding. I can't resist anything by King, and I'm sure they have something different planned. Assuming they have a plan, unlike the producers of Under the Dome.

    Gary Numan "Cars."

    Why is Black Cat never an option? I know some ignorant viewers would think they are ripping off Catwoman, but c'mon! She's a great character.

    Most people I know look for ways to get out of work. Not judging, he'll I do too. Now, if I could find a way to watch shows like BCS and get paid for it if be a workaholic, too.