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    Unbelievably, I'm watching Cannon right now on Me Tv. I just cut the cord recently and while I have accounts with Netflix and Amazon Prime, I also decided to buy one of those digital antenna things from Walgreens for $15. There is something comforting about old 70's and 80's shows. As a kid, I DESPISED Murder, She

    He's also supposedly directing Batgirl. As for the criticism, I really don't care if a movie is "feminist" as long as it's good.

    As a DC fanboy I just have to say, Of course this happens now. He'll go back to Marvel and she'll be all like, "No I didn't mean it. He is a feminist fucking icon."

    But you may see it and see something the rest of us never have! "Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it’s a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe."- Lex Luthor

    I mean, really? In 1997 or actually Valentine's Day 1998, I did not care at all about Titanic but went to see it because my date wanted to and I wanted to get in her pants. Thanks James Cameron. Thanks Leo. You guys were great wingmen. Hell, for all I know she was fantasizing about Jack the whole time.

    Don't forget Kate Winslett's drawing. That was an unforseen pleasure for younger, bored me.

    As a big fan of the original novels, I agree with your friend.

    It's Austin Powers 3 for Christ's sake! I wish I could time travel and shoot Logan before he came up with that turd of an idea. What a fucking joke.

    Back in the day, we actually liked and expected the "Bond formula" I guess is how to say it. I remember distintly not liking Licence to Kill not because of Dalton, but I was like, "Where's the usual Bond stuff?" Now, I like it for that very reason. It isn't like all the rest. Maybe it has to do with the ability to que

    As much as I love Craig, and I really do, I really wanted (want) Clive Owen as Bond. Also, I too get Lucky Number Slevin mixed up but not with Ecks Vs Sever. I always mix it up with Shoot 'Em Up, which is a helluva crazy fun movie.

    Perfect Strangers any time I want?? Now, we do the dance of joy!!!!

    Rebecca Romijn

    As a long time trekkie, I was stoked for this one. His portayal of Gorkon and the line "Don't let it end this way, Captain." Make him the most dignified Klingon in history.

    How bout just make the show 10 or 15 or hell, 100 years from Next Gen? It's the fucking future! You can make it look cool as fuck, or say that there was a war and make it sort of retro or whatever. But this 10 years from Original is just dumb. What is the point? At some time, if this show is successful, it will take

    Ten years BEFORE the original? Ugh. No. This idea sucks. Tell me an old Archer and T'Pol aren't going to show up. Well, maybe that would make up for them not having a proper ending. Discovery almost made me want to buy CBS all access. Not now. Well, shit. Dissappointing.

    Rrrruffles (and Klingons) have rrridges!

    Not because I'm so politically correct, but she was CM in the Avengers when i was a kid, but why not go with Monica Rambeaux?

    Nobody has mentioned it yet, as far as I can see, but he guest starred as a crooked/conflicted lawyer in the Miami Vice episode One Way Ticket. I believe it was the first season. It was a good episode and he was great on it.

    Did you watch Benson?

    And Bubba Smith and Dick Butkus. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.